

dual audio Movie Online 1917





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Writed by=Krysty Wilson-Cairns

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actors=Dean-Charles Chapman

YouTube. This has to be the most gut-wrenching, heart-jerking scene I've seen in a war film. The score goes along with it perfectly. I am not ashamed to admit that the beauty of this composition caused emotions to swell inside of me I didn't even realise I had. Thank you Mr. Newman. Movie online 1917 2. Movie Online 1918. This is a stunning masterpiece of filmmaking. Unlike any film I have ever seen before. Cinematography is overwhelmingly beautiful and yet suspenseful as it puts you right in the scene as another soldier. Shot in a pov perspective and almost one continual shot from start to finish. Now go see this movie.

Movie Online 1997 relatif. This is a Perfect Movie. Shot in real time in what seems to be one long continuous take, perfectly orchestrated action, consummately choreographed and shot. It's got Everything; sets, costumes, acting, score, cinematography, story (not necessarily in that order. And it'll set a standard for years to come. Movie Online 19170. Movie online 1917 songs. ДАТЫ СОБЫТИЯ 1917. 01. 22 (9 января по ст. ст. ) Забастовка 50. 000 рабочих и манифестация в Петрограде по случаю годовщины Кровавого воскресенья 1905 г. 1917. 02. 18 (5 февраля по ст. )Для предупреждения беспорядков в Петрограде создан особый военный округ под командованием генерала С. С. Хабалова, известного участием в подавлении революции 1905 г. 1917. 27 (14 февраля по ст. ) Открылась сессия Думы. Депутаты потребовали отставки неспособных министров. В Петрограде бастуют 80. 000 рабочих. 1917. 02. Перебои с хлебом в Петрограде. 1917. 03. 03 (18 февраля по ст. ) Началась забастовка на Путиловском заводе в Петрограде. 1917. 07 (22 февраля по ст. ) Локаут на Путиловском заводе в Петрограде. 1917. 08 (23 февраля по ст. ) В Петрограде многолюдная демонстрация в честь женского дня. 1917. 09 (24 февраля по ст. ) В Петрограде начались столкновения демонстрантов с полицией. У демонтрантов лозунги "Долой самодержавие! ", "Долой войну! " 1917. 10 (25 февраля по ст. )В Петрограде забастовка приобрела всеобщий характер. Казаки не решаются открывать огонь. Вечером Николай II прислал телеграмму: "завтра же прекратить беспорядки в столице". 1917. 11 (26 февраля по ст. ) В Петрограде войска открыли огонь (150 убитых). Заседания Думы отложены. 1917. 12 (27 февраля по ст. ) В Петрограде создан Временный комитет Думы из центристов и умеренных левых. Одновременно Петроградский Совет под руководством Н. Чхеидзе и А. Ф. Керенского начал работать в Таврическом дворце. 1917. 13 (28 февраля по ст. ) Вышел первый номер "Известий Петроградского совета", что ускорило создание советов во многих областях страны. 1917. 14 (1 марта по ст. ) Приказом №1 Петроградский совет призвал солдат избирать комитеты в частях и таким оборазом поставил армию под свой контроль. Совет выдвигает условия Думскому правительству. 1917. 15 (2 марта по ст. ) Вместо Временного комитета Думы формируется Временное правительство во главе с князем Г. Львовым: П. Н. Милюков - МИД, А. И. Гучков - Военмор., А. Керенский - министр юстиции. (2 марта по ст. ) Николай II подписывает в Пскове Манифест об отречении от престола (и от имени своего сына Алексея) в пользу брата, великого князя Михаила Александровича. 1917. 16 (3 марта по ст. ) Великий князь Михаил, которому "не гарантируют сохранения жизни", отказывается принять корону. 1917. 17 (4 марта по ст. ) В Киеве образовалась Рада (Центральный совет Украины) под председательством историка М. Грушевского. 1917. 18 (5 марта по ст. ) Возобновился выход большевисткой газеты "Правда". 1917. 19 (6 марта по ст. ) Временное правительство обнародовало программу: амнистия, созыв Учредительного собрания, гарантии политических свобод, продолжение войны до победного конца. 06 (19) марта. Временное правительство объявляет о том, что намерено соблюдать договоры, заключенные с союзниками, и вести войну до победного конца. 1917. 20 (7 марта по ст. )- Восстановлено действие конституции Финляндии. (7 по 12 марта по ст. )- Ленин, находясь в Цюрихе, пишет "Письма издалека", требуя от Совета разрыва с Временным правительством. Тем самым советы, как механизм захвата власти должно выйти из подчинения инициаторов февральского переворота. 1917. 21 (8 марта по ст. )- Генерал Корнилов лично арестовал императорскую семью. Генерал от инфантерии Алексеев в Могилеве арестовал (объявил об аресте) Николая II. 1917. 22 09 (22) марта. Признание Временного правительства Соединенными Штатами. 1917. 23 10 (23) марта. Под нажимом Совета в Петрограде введен 8-часовой рабочий день. 1917. 24 11 (24) марта. О признании Временного правительства заявляют Франция, Великобритания и Италия. 1917. 25 12 (25) и 16 (29) марта. Императорская собственность переходит в распоряжение государства. (12 марта по ст. )- Отменена смертная казнь. (12 марта по ст. )- И. В. Сталин и Л. Б. Каменев вернулись в Петербург из ссылки. 1917. 27 14 (27) марта. Призыв Петроградского совета к народам всего мира заключить мир без аннексий 1917. 28 15 (28) марта. В Москве и Петрограде создается Центральное бюро профсоюзов. 1917. 30 (17 марта по ст. )- Временное правительство признало право Польши на независимость. 1917. 04. 02 20 марта (2 апр). Отмена всех ограничений по национальному и религиозному признакам. 1917. 05 (23 марта по ст. ) В Петербурге прошла торжественная церемония похорон жертв революции. 1917. 09 27 марта (9 апр. ). Под нажимом Совета министр иностранных дел П. Милюков выпускает воззвание к гражданам России за заключение справедливого и прочного мира без аннексий. 1917. 07 25 марта (7 апр). Введение государственной монополии на хлебную торговлю, контроль за ценами, введение хлебных карточек в Петрограде, создание местных комитетов по снабжению продовольствием. 1917. 08 26 марта (8 апр. Выпуск "Займа свободы". 1917. 11 (29 марта по ст. )- В Петербурге открылась I Всероссийская конференция Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов. Избран ВЦИК из меньшевиков и эсеров. Продолжалась с 11 по 16 апреля. 1917. 16 (3 апреля по ст. )- Приезд Ленина в Петроград. Знаменитое выступление с броневика у Финляндского вокзала. 1917. 17 (4 апреля по ст. )- Ленин выступил перед большевиками с "Апрельскими тезисами". 1917. 20 (7 апреля по ст. )- "Апрельские тезисы" опубликованы в "Правде". 1917. 25 (12 апреля по ст. )- Принят закон о свободе собраний и объединений. 1917. 04. В Россию из союзных стран отправляются миссии представителей социалистических партий с целью добиться от России согласия на продолжение ее участия в войне (миссии Томаса - Шендерсона и миссия Кашена - Муте - Сандерса). 1917. 05. 01 18 апр. (1 мая). П. Милюков направляет союзникам ноту, в которой подтверждает участие России в войне до победного конца и необходимость обеспечить мир на условиях "гарантий и санкций". (18 апреля по ст. ) По случаю праздника солидарности трудящихся в Петрограде прошла демонстрация под антивоенными лозунгами. 1917. 03 (20 апреля по ст. )- Нота П. Милюкова, подтверждающая участие России в войне, вызвала бурные демонстрации с большевисткими лозунгами. Большевики приступили к формированию Красной гвардии. Так называемые "апрельские дни" - 3 - 4 мая. 1917. 04 21 апр. (4 мая). Положение о земельных комитетах: образование Главного и местных аграрных комитетов по подготовке аграрной реформы. Столкнувшись с массовым самовольным захватом земель крестьянами, Временное правительство заявляет о необходимости дожидаться созыва Учредительного собрания для принятия правомочных решений. 1917. 06 23 апр. (6 мая). Закон об образовании заводских комитетов (осуществляющих контроль за увольнениями и приемом на работу). 1917. 07 (24 апреля по ст. ) Началась VII Всероссийская конференция РСДРП(б), принявшая тезисы В. Ленина. Закончила работу 12 мая. 1917. 12 (29 апреля по ст. ) Военный министр А. Гучков подал в отставку из-за полного неподчинения ему армии. 1917. 14 01 (14) мая. После переговоров с Временным правительством Совет дает разрешение своим представителям войти в коалиционное правительство. 01 (14) мая. В Москве открывается 1 Всероссийский мусульманский съезд. 1917. 15 02 (15) мая. Отставка П. Милюкова. 1917. 17 04 - 28 мая (17 мая - 10 июня). В Петрограде проходит Всероссийский съезд Советов крестьянских депутатов, на котором главенствуют эсеры. Съезд высказывается за безвозмездную передачу помещичьих земель крестьянам. 04 (17) мая. Л. Д. Троцкий возвращается из изгнания в Россию. Он и его группа "межрайонцев" сближаются с большевиками. 1917. 18 05 (18) мая. Образовано новое Временное правительство, куда входят представители Совета (первое коалиционное правительство), под председательством князя Г. Е. Львова; военный министр - трудовик А. Керенский, министр сельского хозяйства - эсер В. М. Чернов, министр почт и телеграфов - меньшевик И. Г. Церетели. 05 (18) мая. Заявление первого коалиционного правительства о стремлении к миру "без аннексий и возмещений ущерба, основанному на праве народов на самоопределение". 05 (18) мая. В первом коалиционном правительстве создано министерство труда (министром назначен меньшевик М. Скобелев). 1917. 20 07 - 12 (20 - 25) мая. Всероссийская конференция меньшевиков. 1917. 06. 01 19 мая (1 июня). Первое заседание Главного земельного комитета. 1917. 04 22 мая (4 июня). А А. Брусилов сменяет М. Алексеева на посту Верховного главнокомандующего. 1917. 07 25 мая - 4 июня (7 - 17 июня). Съезд эсеров в Москве. Левые эсеры представляют собственную платформу. 1917. 12 30 мая - 3 июня (12 - 16 июня). 1 конференция заводских комитетов Петрограда, принимающая большевистские резолюции. 1917. 16 03 - 24 июня (16 июня - 7 июля). 1 Всероссийский съезд Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов в Петрограде (285 эсеров, 248 меньшевиков и 105 большевиков из 822 делегатов). Большинство высказывается за образование коалиционного правительства, и только Ленин утверждает, что большевики готовы немедленно взять власть. 1917. 23 10 (23) июня. Первый Универсал (основной закон), принятый украинской Радой, которым провозглашается независимость Украины. 1917. 25 12 (25) июня. Установлен чрезвычайный подоходный налог. 1917. 30 (17 июня по ст. ) А. Колчак встретился с послом США Рутом и адмиралом Гленоном, имел с ними секретный разговор, вскоре после чего отбыл в Нью-Йорк. 1917. 07. 01 18 июня (1 июля). Русское наступление в Галиции (начатое по приказу А. Керенского от 16/29 июня под командованием А. А Брусилова). Удачно начавшись, наступление остановлено в середине июля. Контрнаступление австро-германских войск, которые 11 (24) июля занимают Тернополь. В русской армии учащаются случаи дезертирства. 18 июня (1 июля). В день начала русского наступления в Галиции Петроградский совет организует в столице демонстрацию в поддержку Временного правительства, которая в конце концов проходит под большевистскими лозунгами "Долой войну! ". 1917. 04 21 июня (4 июля). Образование Экономического совета и Главного экономического комитета, перед которыми ставится задача координации экономической жизни страны. 21 - 28 июня (4 - 11 июля). Всероссийская конференция профсоюзов в Петрограде. 1917. 14 01 (14) июля. Компромиссный договор между Временным правительством и украинской Радой. Вводятся земства в западных и южных областях. 1917. 15 02 (15) июля. Начало очередного министерского кризиса (отставка министров-кадетов, несогласных с политикой правительства по отношению к Украине). 1917. 16 03 - 4 (16 - 17) июля. "Июльские дни" в Петрограде. Бурные демонстрации рабочих, солдат и кронштадстких моряков против Временного правительства и Совета После некоторых колебаний большевики присоединяются к демонстрантам. Выступления подавлены верными правительству войсками. Начато преследование большевиков, объявленных германскими агентами. Ленин переходит на нелегальное положение и переезжает в Финляндию. 1917. 21 08 (21) июля. После отставки князя Г. Львова переходный кабинет формирует А. Керенский. 1917. 25 12 (25) июля. Восстановление смертной казни на фронте. 1917. 31 18 (31) июля. Корнилов сменяет А А. Брусилова на посту Верховного главнокомандующего. 1917. 07. Социально-экономическое положение страны продолжает ухудшаться: падение производства (в металлургии на 40%, в текстильной промышленности - на 20% с февраля), инфляция, безработица, обострившаяся с началом локаутов, рост числа грабежей в деревне. 1917. 08. 06 24 июля (6 авг. С согласия, Совета А. Керенский формирует второе коалиционное правительство, большинство постов в котором отдано социалистам.

Amazing movie.


Millennium: 2nd millennium Centuries: 19th century 20th century 21st century Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s Years: 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1917 by topic Subject Archaeology Architecture Art Aviation Awards Film Literature Poetry Meteorology Music Rail transport Radio Science Sports Television By country Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China France Germany India Ireland Italy Japan Mexico New Zealand Norway Ottoman Syria Philippines Russia South Africa Spain Sweden United Kingdom United States Lists of leaders Sovereign states Sovereign state leaders Territorial governors Religious leaders Law Birth and death categories Births Deaths Establishments and disestablishments categories Establishments Disestablishments Works category Works Introductions v t e 1917 in various calendars Gregorian calendar 1917 MCMXVII Ab urbe condita 2670 Armenian calendar 1366 ԹՎ ՌՅԿԶ Assyrian calendar 6667 Bahá'í calendar 73–74 Balinese saka calendar 1838–1839 Bengali calendar 1324 Berber calendar 2867 British Regnal year 7  Geo. 5  – 8  Geo. 5 Buddhist calendar 2461 Burmese calendar 1279 Byzantine calendar 7425–7426 Chinese calendar 丙辰 年 (Fire  Dragon) 4613 or 4553      — to — 丁巳年 (Fire  Snake) 4614 or 4554 Coptic calendar 1633–1634 Discordian calendar 3083 Ethiopian calendar 1909–1910 Hebrew calendar 5677–5678 Hindu calendars  - Vikram Samvat 1973–1974  - Shaka Samvat 1838–1839  - Kali Yuga 5017–5018 Holocene calendar 11917 Igbo calendar 917–918 Iranian calendar 1295–1296 Islamic calendar 1335–1336 Japanese calendar Taishō 6 (大正6年) Javanese calendar 1847–1848 Juche calendar 6 Julian calendar Gregorian minus 13 days Korean calendar 4250 Minguo calendar ROC 6 民國6年 Nanakshahi calendar 449 Thai solar calendar 2459–2460 Tibetan calendar 阳火龙年 (male Fire- Dragon) 2043 or 1662 or 890      — to — 阴火蛇年 (female Fire- Snake) 2044 or 1663 or 891 Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1917. 1917 ( MCMXVII) was a common year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar  and a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar, the 1917th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 917th year of the 2nd millennium, the 17th year of the 20th century, and the 8th year of the 1910s decade. As of the start of 1917, the Gregorian calendar was 13 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923. Events [ edit] Below, events of World War I have the "WWI" prefix. January [ edit] January 2 – The Royal Bank of Canada takes over Quebec Bank. January 3 – Ratho rail crash in Scotland: An Edinburgh to Glasgow express train collides with a light engine leaving 12 people dead and 46 seriously injured; the cause is found to be inadequate signalling procedures. [1] January 9 – WWI – Battle of Rafa: The last substantial Ottoman Army garrison on the Sinai Peninsula is captured by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force 's Desert Column. January 11 – Unknown saboteurs set off the Kingsland Explosion at Kingsland (modern-day Lyndhurst, New Jersey), one of the events leading to United States involvement in WWI. January 16 – The Danish West Indies is sold to the United States for $25 million. January 19 – Silvertown explosion: A blast at a munitions factory in London kills 73 and injures over 400; the resulting fire causes over £2, 000, 000 worth of damage. January 22 – WWI: United States President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Germany. January 25 WWI: British armed merchantman SS  Laurentic is sunk by mines off Lough Swilly (Ireland), with the loss of 354 of the 475 aboard. An anti- prostitution drive in San Francisco occurs, and police close about 200 prostitution houses. January 26 – The sea defences at the English village of Hallsands are breached, leading to all but one of the houses becoming uninhabitable. January 28 – The United States ends its search for Pancho Villa. January 30 – Pershing 's troops in Mexico begin withdrawing back to the United States. They reach Columbus, New Mexico February 5. February [ edit] February 1 – WWI: Atlantic U-boat Campaign: Germany announces its U-boats will resume unrestricted submarine warfare, rescinding the ' Sussex Pledge '. February 3 – WWI: The United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. February 5 – The new constitution of Mexico is adopted. February 13 Mata Hari is arrested in Paris for spying. WWI – Raid on Nekhl: Units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force completely reoccupy the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. February 21 – British troopship SS  Mendi is accidentally rammed and sunk off the Isle of Wight, killing 646, mainly members of the South African Native Labour Corps. [2] February 24 – WWI: United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, Walter Hines Page, is shown the intercepted Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany offers to give the American Southwest back to Mexico, if Mexico would take sides with Germany, in case the United States would declare war on Germany. President Woodrow Wilson of the United States announces to Congress the breaking of diplomatic relations with Germany March [ edit] March 1 WWI: The U. S. government releases the text of the Zimmermann Telegram to the public. Ōmuta, Japan, is founded by Hiroushi Miruku. March 2 – The enactment of the Jones Act grants Puerto Ricans United States citizenship. March 4 Woodrow Wilson is sworn in for a second term, as President of the United States. Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman member of the United States House of Representatives. March 7 – " Livery Stable Blues ", recorded with "Dixie Jazz Band One Step" on February 26, by the Original Dixieland Jass Band in the United States, becomes the first jazz recording commercially released. On August 17 the band records " Tiger Rag ". March 8 Women calling for bread and peace - Petrograd, 8th of March, 1917 (N. ) ( February 23, O. ) – The February Revolution begins in Russia: Women calling for bread in Petrograd start riots, which spontaneously spread throughout the city. The United States Senate adopts the cloture rule, in order to limit filibusters. March 10 – The Province of Batangas is formally founded, as one of the Philippines ' first encomiendas. March 11 – Mexican Revolution: Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico; the United States gives de jure recognition of his government. March 12 – The Russian Duma declares a Provisional Government. March 14 – WWI: The Republic of China terminates diplomatic relations with Germany. March 15 (N. ) ( March 2, O. ) – Emperor Nicholas II of Russia abdicates his throne and his son's claims. This is considered to be the end of the Russian Empire, after 196 years. March 16 (N. ) ( March 3, O. ) – Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia refuses the throne, and power passes to the newly formed Provisional Government, under Prince Georgy Lvov. March 25 – The Georgian Orthodox Church restores the autocephaly, abolished by Imperial Russia in 1811. March 26 – WWI – First Battle of Gaza: British Egyptian Expeditionary Force troops virtually encircle the Gaza garrison, but are then ordered to withdraw, leaving the city to the Ottoman defenders. March 30 – Hjalmar Hammarskjöld steps down as Prime Minister of Sweden; he is replaced by right-wing businessman and politician Carl Swartz. March 31 – The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies, which become the US Virgin Islands, after paying $25 million to Denmark. April [ edit] April – Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, the first anime, is released in Japan. April 2 – WWI: U. President Woodrow Wilson asks the United States Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. April 6 – WWI: The United States declares war on Germany. April 8 (N. ) ( March 26, O. ) – In Petrograd, 40, 000 ethnic Estonians demand national autonomy within Russia. April 9 – May 16 – WWI – Battle of Arras: British Empire troops make a significant advance on the Western Front but are unable to achieve a breakthrough. April 9 – 12 – WWI: Canadian troops win the Battle of Vimy Ridge. April 10 – An ammunition factory explosion in Chester, Pennsylvania kills 133. April 11 – WWI: Brazil severs diplomatic relations with Germany. April 12 (N. ) ( March 30 O. ) – The Autonomous Governorate of Estonia is formed within Russia, from the Governorate of Estonia and the northern part of the Governorate of Livonia. April 16 (N. ) ( April 3, O. ) – Vladimir Lenin arrives at the Finland Station in Petrograd. WWI: The Nivelle Offensive commences. April 17 (N. ) ( April 4, O. ) – Vladimir Lenin 's April Theses are published. [3] They become very influential in the following July Days and Bolshevik Revolution. WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Second Battle of Gaza. This unsuccessful frontal attack on strong Ottoman defences along with the first battle, results in 10, 000 casualties, the dismissal of force commander General Archibald Murray, and the beginning of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. The Times and the Daily Mail (London newspapers both owned by Lord Northcliffe) print atrocity propaganda of the supposed existence of a German Corpse Factory processing dead soldiers' bodies. [4] [5] [6] [7] April 26 – WWI: The Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, between France, Italy and the United Kingdom, to settle interests in the Middle East, is signed. May [ edit] May 9 – WWI: The Nivelle Offensive is abandoned. May 13 – Nuncio Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, is consecrated Archbishop by Pope Benedict XV. [8] May 13 – October 13 (at monthly intervals) – 10-year-old Lúcia Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto report experiencing a series of Marian apparitions near Fátima, Portugal, which become known as Our Lady of Fátima. May 15 – Robert Nivelle is replaced as Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, by Philippe Pétain. May 18 – WWI: The Selective Service Act passes the United States Congress, giving the President the power of conscription. May 21 – Over 300 acres (73 blocks) are destroyed in the Great Atlanta fire of 1917 in the United States. May 22 The Commissioned Officer Corps of the U. Coast and Geodetic Survey is established. Ell Persons is lynched in Memphis, in connection with the rape and murder of 16-year-old Antoinette Rappal. May 23 A month of civil violence in Milan, Italy ends, after the Italian army forcibly takes over the city from anarchists and anti-war revolutionaries; 50 people are killed and 800 arrested. [9] WWI: During the Stalemate in Southern Palestine the Raid on the Beersheba to Hafir el Auja railway, by the British Desert Column, large sections of the railway line linking Beersheba to the main Ottoman desert base are destroyed. May 26 – A tornado strikes Mattoon, Illinois, causing devastation and killing 101 people. May 27 – WWI: Over 30, 000 French troops refuse to go to the trenches at Missy-aux-Bois. May 27 – Pope Benedict XV promulgates the 1917 Code of Canon Law. June [ edit] June 1 – French Army Mutinies: A French infantry regiment seizes Missy-aux-Bois, and declares an anti-war military government. Other French army troops soon apprehend them. June 4 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe Elliott and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for a biography, (for Julia Ward Howe). Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history, for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days. Herbert Bayard Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism, for his work for the New York World. June 5 – WWI: Conscription begins in the United States. June 7 – WWI: Battle of Messines opens with the British Army detonating 24 ammonal mines under the German lines, killing 10, 000 in the deadliest deliberate non-nuclear man-made explosion in history. June 8 – Speculator Mine disaster: A fire at the Granite Mountain and Speculator ore mine, outside Butte, Montana, kills at least 168 workers. June 11 – King Constantine I of Greece abdicates for the first time, being succeeded by his son Alexander. June 13 – WWI: The first major German bombing raid on London by fixed-wing aircraft leaves 162 dead and 432 injured. June 15 – The United States enacts the Espionage Act. July [ edit] July – The first Cottingley Fairies photographs are taken in Yorkshire, England, apparently depicting fairies (a hoax not admitted by the child creators until 1981). July 1 East St. Louis riot: A labor dispute ignites a race riot in East St. Louis, Illinois, which leaves 250 dead. Russian General Brusilov begins the major Kerensky Offensive in Galicia, initially advancing towards Lemberg. July 2 – WWI: Greece joins the war on the side of the Allies. [10] [11] July 6 – WWI: Battle of Aqaba: Arabian troops, led by T. E. Lawrence, capture Aqaba from the Ottoman Empire. The Conscription Crisis of 1917 in Canada leads to passage of the Military Service Act. July 7 – The Lions Clubs International is formed in the United States. July 8 – 13 – WWI – First Battle of Ramadi: British troops fail to take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire; a majority of British casualties are due to extreme heat. July 12 – Bisbee Deportation: The Phelps Dodge Corporation deports over 1, 000 suspected IWW members from Bisbee, Arizona. July 16 – July 17 – Russian troops mutiny, abandon the Austrian front, and retreat to the Ukraine; hundreds are shot by their commanding officers during the retreat. July 16 – July 18 – July Days: Serious clashes occur in Petrograd; Vladimir Lenin escapes to Finland; Leon Trotsky is arrested. July 17 – King George V of the United Kingdom issues a proclamation, stating that thenceforth the male line descendants of the British Royal Family will bear the surname Windsor, vice the Germanic bloodline of House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which is an offshoot of the historic (800+ years) House of Wettin. July 20 The Parliament of Finland, with a Social Democratic majority, passes a "Sovereignty Act", declaring itself, as the representative of the Finnish people, sovereign over the Grand Principality of Finland. The Russian Provisional Government does not recognize the act, as it would have devolved Russian sovereignty over Finland, formerly exercised by the Russian Emperor as Grand Prince of Finland, and alter the relationship between Finland and Russia into a real union, with Russia solely responsible for the defence and foreign relations of an independent Finland. ( July 7, O. ) – Alexander Kerensky becomes premier of the Russian Provisional Government, replacing Prince Georgy Lvov. The Russian Provisional Government enacts women's suffrage. The Corfu Declaration, which enables the establishment of the post-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is signed by the Yugoslav Committee and the Kingdom of Serbia. July 20 – July 28 – WWI: Austrian and German forces repulse the Russian advance into Galicia. July 25 – Sir William Thomas White introduces Canada's first income tax as a "temporary" measure (lowest bracket is 4% and highest is 25%). July 28 – The Silent Parade is organized by the NAACP in New York City, to protest the East St. Louis riot of July 2, as well as lynchings in Tennessee and Texas. July 30 – The Parliament of Finland is dissolved by the Russian Provisional Government. New elections are held in the autumn, resulting in a bourgeois majority. July 31 – WWI – Battle of Passchendaele ("Third Battle of Ypres"): Allied offensive operations commence in Flanders. August [ edit] August 2 – August 3 – The Green Corn Rebellion, an uprising by several hundred farmers against the WWI draft, takes place in central Oklahoma. August 2 – Squadron Commander E. H. Dunning lands his aircraft on the ship HMS  Furious in Scapa Flow, Orkney. He is killed 5 days later during another landing on the ship. August 3 – The New York Guard is founded. August 10 – A general strike begins in Spain; it is smashed after 2 days with 70 left dead, hundreds of wounded and 2, 000 arrests. August 14 – The Republic of China declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. August 17 – One of English literature's important meetings takes place, when Wilfred Owen introduces himself to Siegfried Sassoon at the Craiglockhart War Hospital in Edinburgh. August 18 – The Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917 in Greece destroys 32% of the city, leaving 70, 000 individuals homeless. August 29 – WWI: The Military Service Act is passed in the House of Commons of Canada, giving the Government of Canada the right to conscript men into the army. September [ edit] September 14 (September 1 Old Style) – Russia is declared a republic, by the Provisional Government. September 23 – Leon Trotsky is elected Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. September 25 – The Mossovet ( Moscow Soviet of People's Deputies) votes to side with the Bolsheviks. September 26 – October 3 – WWI – Battle of Polygon Wood (part of the Battle of Passchendaele) near Ypres in Belgium: British and Australian troops capture positions from the Germans. September 28 – 29 – WWI – Second Battle of Ramadi: British troops take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire. October [ edit] October 4 – WWI – Battle of Broodseinde near Ypres: British Imperial forces overpower the German 4th Army 's defences. October 12 – WWI – First Battle of Passchendaele: Allies fail to take a German defensive position, with the biggest loss of life in a single day for New Zealand, over 800 of whose men and 60 officers are killed, roughly 1 in 1, 000 of the nation's population at this time. October 12 - 19 – WWI – Operation Albion: German forces land on and capture the West Estonian archipelago. October 13 – The Miracle of the Sun is reported at Fátima, Portugal. October 15 – WWI: At Vincennes outside Paris, Dutch dancer Mata Hari is executed by firing squad for spying for Germany. October 19 Dallas Love Field Airport is opened in Texas. Carl Swartz leaves office as Prime Minister of Sweden, after dismal election results for the right-wing in the Riksdag elections in September. He is replaced by liberal leader and history professor Nils Edén. October 23 – A Brazilian ship is destroyed by a German U-Boat, encouraging Brazil to enter World War I. October 24 WWI – Battle of Caporetto: Austrian and German forces penetrate Italian lines as far south as the Piave River. It is the first major engagement for junior German officer Erwin Rommel. October 26 – WWI: Brazil declares war against the Central Powers. October 27 – WWI – Battle of Buqqar Ridge: Ottoman forces attack British Desert Mounted Corps units garrisoning El-Buqqar Ridge, during the last days of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. October 31 – WWI – Battle of Beersheba: The British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps ( Egyptian Expeditionary Force) attack and capture Beersheba from Ottoman forces, ending the stalemate in Southern Palestine. The battle includes a rare (by this date) mounted charge, by Australian mounted infantry. November [ edit] November 1 – WWI: The British XXI Corps of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Third Battle of Gaza. The British Desert Mounted Corps begins the Battle of Tel el Khuweilfe, in the direction of Hebron and Jerusalem. November 2 – Zionism: The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour makes the Balfour Declaration, proclaiming British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people..., it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities". November 5 (N. ) ( October 23, O. ) – Estonian and Russian Bolsheviks seize power in Tallinn, Autonomous Governorate of Estonia, two days before the October Revolution in Petrograd. November 6 WWI – Second Battle of Passchendaele: After 3 months of fierce fighting, Canadian forces take Passchendaele in Belgium (the battle concludes on November 10). WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria is launched by the British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps, against the central Ottoman defences protecting the Gaza to Beersheba Road. Militants from Trotsky's committee join with trusty Bolshevik soldiers, to seize government buildings and pounce on members of the provisional government. November 7 (N. ) ( October 25, O. ) – October Revolution in Russia: The workers of the Petrograd Soviet in Russia, led by the Bolshevik Party and leader Vladimir Lenin, storm the Winter Palace and successfully destroy the Kerensky Provisional Government after less than eight months of rule. This immediately triggers the Russian Civil War. Iran (which has provided weapons for Russia) refuses to support the Allied Forces after the October Revolution. WWI – Third Battle of Gaza: The British Army XXI Corps occupies Gaza, after the Ottoman garrison withdraws. WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria continues, when the XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps capture Hareira and Sheria, marking the end of the Ottoman Gaza to Beersheba line. Women's Suffrage in the United States: Women win the right to vote in New York State. [12] November 13 – WWI: Battle of Mughar Ridge: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacks retreating Yildirim Army Group forces, resulting in the capture of 10, 000 Ottoman prisoners, 100 guns and 50 miles (80 km) of Palestine territory. The ANZAC Mounted Division ( Desert Mounted Corps) successfully fights the Battle of Ayun Kara, in the aftermath of the Battle of Mughar Ridge against strong German rearguards. November 15 "Night of Terror" in the United States: Influential suffragettes from the Silent Sentinels are deliberately subjected to physical assaults by guards while imprisoned. The Parliament of Finland passes another "Sovereignty Act", dissolving Russian sovereignty over Finland and effectively declaring Finland independent. (N. ) ( November 2, O. ) – The Provincial Assembly of the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia declares itself the highest legal body in Estonia, in opposition to Bolsheviks. November 16 WWI: Battle of Ayun Kara: The ANZAC Mounted Division occupies Jaffa. Georges Clemenceau becomes prime minister of France. November 17 WWI: Action of 17 November 1917: United States Navy destroyers USS Fanning and USS Nicholson capture Imperial German Navy U-boat SM U-58 off the south-west coast of Ireland, the first combat action in which U. ships take a submarine (which is then scuttled). WWI: The Battle of Jerusalem (1917) begins, with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force launching attacks against Ottoman forces in the Judean Hills. The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals is founded in the United Kingdom. November 20 WWI – Battle of Cambrai: British forces, using tanks, make early progress in an attack on German positions, but are soon beaten back. The Ukraine is declared a republic. November 22 – In Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the National Hockey Association suspends operations. November 23 – The Bolsheviks release the full text of the previously secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 in Izvestia and Pravda; it is printed in the Manchester Guardian on November 26. November 24 – A bomb kills 9 members of the Milwaukee Police Department, the most deaths in a single event in U. police history (until the September 11 attacks in 2001). November 25 – WWI – Battle of Ngomano: German forces defeat a Portuguese army of about 1, 200 at Negomano, on the border of modern-day Mozambique and Tanzania. November 26 – The National Hockey League is formed in Montreal, as a replacement for the recently disbanded National Hockey Association. November 28 – WWI: The Bolsheviks offer peace terms to the Germans. December [ edit] December – Annie Besant becomes president of the Indian National Congress. December 3 – After nearly 20 years of planning and construction, the Quebec Bridge opens to traffic (the bridge partially collapsed on August 29, 1907 and September 11, 1916). December 6 The Senate of Finland officially declares the country's independence from Russia. Halifax Explosion: Two freighters collide in Halifax Harbour at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and cause a huge explosion that kills at least 1, 963 people, injures 9, 000 and destroys part of the city (the biggest man-made explosion in recorded history until the Trinity nuclear test in 1945). WWI: U. Navy destroyer USS  Jacob Jones is torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic Ocean by German submarine U-53, killing 66 crew in the first significant American naval loss of the war. [13] December 9 – WWI – Battle of Jerusalem: The British Egyptian Expeditionary Force accepts the surrender of Jerusalem by the mayor, Hussein al-Husayni, following the effective defeat of the Ottoman Empire 's Yildirim Army Group. December 11 – WWI: General Edmund Allenby leads units of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force into Jerusalem on foot through, the Jaffa Gate. December 17 – The Raad van Vlaanderen proclaims the independence of Flanders. December 20 (N. ) ( December 7, O. ) – The Cheka, a predecessor to the KGB, is established in Russia. December 23 (N. ) ( December 10, O. ) – A local plebiscite supports transferring Narva and Ivangorod ( Jaanilinn) from the Petrograd Governorate, to the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia. December 25 – Jesse Lynch Williams 's Why Marry?, the first dramatic play to win a Pulitzer Prize, opens at the Astor Theatre, New York City. December 26 – United States President Woodrow Wilson uses the Federal Possession and Control Act to place most U. railroads under the United States Railroad Administration, hoping to transport troops and materials for the war effort more efficiently. December 30 – WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force secures the victory at the Battle of Jerusalem, by successfully defending Jerusalem from numerous Yildirim Army Group counterattacks. Date unknown [ edit] Following the October Revolution, Alexandra Kollontai is appointed People's Commissar for Social Welfare in the Council of People's Commissars of the Government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the first woman cabinet minister in Europe. Women are permitted to stand in national elections in the Netherlands. The True Jesus Church is established in Beijing. Births [ edit] January 2 Albin F. Irzyk, American Brigadier General (d. 2018) Vera Zorina, German dancer, actress (d. 2003) K. M. Mathew, Indian newspaper editor (d. 2010) January 3 Roger W. Straus, Jr., American publisher (d. 2004) Liu Zhonghua, Chinese military officer (d. 2018) Jesse White, American actor (d. 1997) D. J. Finney, British statistician (d. 2018) January 5 Adolfo Consolini, Italian discus thrower (d. 1969) Lucienne Day, British textile designer (d. 2010) Francis L. Kellogg, American diplomat, prominent socialite (d. 2006) Jane Wyman, American actress, philanthropist, and first wife of Ronald Reagan (d. 2007) January 6 – Koo Chen-fu, Nationalist Chinese negotiator (d. 2005) January 10 Saul Cherniack, Canadian politician, lawyer (d. 2018) Jerry Wexler, American record producer (d. 2008) January 12 – Jimmy Skinner, American hockey coach (d. 2007) [14] January 15 – K. A. Thangavelu, Indian film actor, comedian (d. 1994) January 16 – Carl Karcher, American founder of the Carl's Jr. hamburger chain (d. 2008) January 17 – M. G. Ramachandran, Tamil Nadu chief minister, actor (d. 1987) January 19 – Graham Higman, British mathematician (d. 2008) January 21 – Erling Persson, Swedish businessman, founder of H&M (d. 2002) January 24 – Ernest Borgnine, American actor (d. 2012) Ilya Prigogine, Russian-born physicist, chemist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2003) Jânio Quadros, 22nd President of Brazil (d. 1992) January 26 William Verity Jr., 27th United States Secretary of Commerce (d. 2007) Louis Zamperini, American prisoner of war (World War II), Olympic distance athlete (1936), and Christian evangelist (d. 2014) January 29 – John Raitt, American actor, singer (d. 2005) February 1 Ed Simons, American musician (d. 2018) Squadron Leader James "Ginger" Lacey, the top scoring RAF fighter pilot during the Battle of Britain (d. 1989) February 2 Mary Ellis, British ferry pilot (d. 2018) Đỗ Mười, Vietnamese leader (d. 2018) February 3 – Shlomo Goren, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel (d. 1994) February 4 – Yahya Khan, 3rd President of Pakistan (d. 1980) February 5 – Isuzu Yamada, Japanese actress (d. 2012) February 6 John Franzese, Italian-born American prisoner Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hungarian-born actress (d. 2016) Arnold Spielberg, American electrical engineer and father of Steven Spielberg February 9 – Joseph Conombo, Prime Minister of Upper Volta (d. 2008) February 11 T. Nagi Reddy, Indian revolutionary (d. 1976) Sidney Sheldon, American author, television writer (d. 2007) February 12 – Dom DiMaggio, American baseball player (d. 2009) February 14 – Herbert A. Hauptman, American mathematician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2011) February 15 – Meg Wyllie, American actress (d. 2002) February 17 Abdel Rahman Badawi, Egyptian existentialist philosopher (d. 2002) Whang-od, Filipino mambabatok or tattoo artist February 18 – Tuulikki Pietilä, Finnish artist (d. 2009) February 19 – Carson McCullers, American author (d. 1967) February 20 Juan Vicente Torrealba, Venezuelan harpist, composer (d. 2019) Wilma Vinsant, American flight nurse who served during WWII (d. 1945) February 21 – Lucille Bremer, American actress, dancer (d. 1996) February 23 – Abdelmunim Al-Rifai, 2-time Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1985) February 25 Anthony Burgess, English author (d. 1993) Brenda Joyce, American actress (d. 2009) February 26 – Robert Taft Jr., American politician (d. 1993) February 27 John Connally, Governor of Texas (d. 1993) Laine Mesikäpp, Estonian actress, singer and folk song collector (d. 2012) February 28 – Ernesto Alonso, Mexican actor, director, cinematographer, and producer (d. 2007) March 1 – Robert Lowell, American poet (d. 1977) March 2 Desi Arnaz, Cuban-born American actor, bandleader, musician, and television producer; co-founder of Desilu Productions (d. 1986) Babiker Awadalla, 8th Prime Minister of Sudan (d. 2019) Laurie Baker, English architect (d. 2007) Max Webb, Polish-American real estate developer and philanthropist (d. 2018) March 3 – Sameera Moussa, Egyptian nuclear scientist (d. 1952) March 4 – Clyde McCullough, American baseball catcher (d. 1982) March 5 – Raymond P. Shafer, Governor of Pennsylvania (d. 2006) March 6 Samael Aun Weor, Colombian writer (d. 1977) Ruth Dayan, Israeli fashion designer Will Eisner, American cartoonist (d. 2005) March 9 – Jack Laver, Tasmanian cricketer (d. 2017) March 10 Edith Iglauer, American writer (d. 2019) Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski, Polish Brigadier General (d. 2018) March 12 Giovanni Benedetti, Italian Catholic prelate (d. 2017) Leonard Chess, American record company executive, co-founder of Chess Records (d. 1969) Googie Withers, British actress (d. 2011) March 16 – Mehrdad Pahlbod, Iranian royal and politician (d. 2018) March 18 – Mircea Ionescu-Quintus, Romanian politician (d. 2017) March 19 Dinu Lipatti, Romanian pianist (d. 1950) Peggy Ahern, American actress (d. 2012) Sardon Jubir, Malaysian politician (d. 1985) March 20 Haddon Donald, New Zealand Army Lieutenant Colonel and politician (d. 2018) Vera Lynn, English actress, singer March 21 Anton Coppola, American opera conductor, composer Yigael Yadin, Israeli archeologist, politician, and Military Chief of Staff (d. 1984) March 22 – Virginia Grey, American actress (d. 2004) March 23 – Kenneth Tobey, American actor (d. 2002) March 24 Constantine Andreou, Brazilian-Greek artist (d. 2007) John Kendrew, British molecular biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 1997) March 26 – Rufus Thomas, American singer (d. 2001) March 27 Takumi Furukawa, Japanese film director (d. 2018) Cyrus Vance, American politician (d. 2002) March 29 – Man o' War, champion thoroughbred racehorse (d. 1947) April 1 Sydney Newman, Canadian-born television producer (d. 1997) Leon Janney, American actor (d. 1980) April 2 – Dabbs Greer, American actor (d. 2007) April 3 – Edward Rowny, American army lieutenant general (d. 2017) April 5 – Robert Bloch, American writer (d. 1994) April 7 – R. Armstrong, American actor (d. 2012) April 8 John Whitney, American animator, composer, and pioneer in computer animation (d. 1995) Hubertus Ernst, Dutch Roman Catholic prelate (d. 2017) April 9 – Brad Dexter, American actor (d. 2002) April 10 – Robert Burns Woodward, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1979) April 11 – Morton Sobell, American spy (d. 2018) April 12 – Džemal Bijedić, Yugoslav politician (d. 1977) April 13 Robert O. Anderson, American businessman, founder of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. (d. 2007) Bill Clements, Governor of Texas (d. 2011) Li Rui, Chinese Communist Party politician (d. 2019) April 14 Valerie Hobson, British actress (d. 1998) Marvin Miller, American baseball executive (d. 2012) April 15 – Hans Conried, American actor (d. 1982) April 16 – Barry Nelson, American actor (d. 2007) April 22 Yvette Chauviré, French ballerina (d. 2016) Ambrose Schindler, American football player, actor (d. 2018) April 23 – Dorian Leigh, American model (d. 2008) April 25 – Ella Fitzgerald, American jazz singer (d. 1996) April 26 I. Pei, Chinese-born architect (d. 2019) Virgil Trucks, American baseball player (d. 2013) April 28 Minoru Chiaki, Japanese actor (d. 1999) Robert Cornthwaite, American actor (d. 2006) April 29 Celeste Holm, American actress (d. 2012) Maya Deren, Russian-American experimental filmmaker (d. 1961) April 30 – Bea Wain, American singer (d. 2017) May 1 John Beradino, American baseball player and actor, best known for his role in General Hospital (d. 1996) Ulric Cross, Trinidadian judge, diplomat and war hero (d. 2013) Danielle Darrieux, French singer, actress (d. 2017) Fyodor Khitruk, Russian animator (d. 2012) May 3 José Del Vecchio, Venezuelan physician, youth baseball promoter (d. 1990) George Gaynes, Finland-born American actor (d. 2016) Kiro Gligorov, 1st President of the Republic of Macedonia (d. 2012) May 6 – Morihiro Higashikuni, Japanese prince (d. 1969) May 7 – David Tomlinson, English actor (d. 2000) May 8 John Anderson, Jr., American politician (d. 2014) Kenneth N. Taylor, translator of The Living Bible (d. 2005) May 12 – Frank Clair, Canadian football coach (d. 2005) May 14 – Lou Harrison, American composer (d. 2003) May 15 Eleanor Maccoby, American psychologist (d. 2018) Jerzy Duszyński, Polish actor (d. 1978) May 16 – Juan Rulfo, Mexican writer, photographer (d. 1986) May 20 – Bergur Sigurbjörnsson, Icelandic politician (d. 2005) May 21 – Raymond Burr, Canadian actor, best known for his role in Perry Mason (d. 1993) Sid Melton, American actor (d. 2011) Georg Tintner, Austrian conductor (d. 1999) May 24 – Florence Knoll, American architect, furniture designer (d. 2019) May 25 – Theodore Hesburgh, American priest, educator (d. 2015) May 28 Papa John Creach, African-American fiddler (d. 1994) Marshall Reed, American film, television actor (d. 1980) May 29 – John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States (d. 1963) May 31 – Zilka Salaberry, Brazilian actress (d. 2005) June 1 – William S. Knowles, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2012) June 2 – Max Showalter, American actor, musician (d. 2000) June 3 – Leo Gorcey, American actor (d. 1969) June 4 Robert Merrill, American baritone (d. 2004) Howard Metzenbaum, American Jewish Senator from Ohio (d. 2008) June 6 – Kirk Kerkorian, Armenian-American businessman, billionaire (d. 2015) June 7 Gwendolyn Brooks, African-American writer (d. 2000) Dean Martin, American actor, singer (d. 1995) June 8 George D. Wallace, American actor (d. 2005) Byron White, American football player and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 2002) June 9 – Eric Hobsbawm, Egyptian-born British historian (d. 2012) June 10 DeWitt Hale, American politician (d. 2018) Ruari McLean, Scottish-born typographer (d. 2006) Al Schwimmer, American-Israeli businessman (d. 2011) June 13 – Augusto Roa Bastos, Paraguayan writer (d. 2005) June 14 Lise Nørgaard, Danish journalist, writer Atle Selberg, Norwegian mathematician (d. 2007) June 15 John Fenn, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2010) Lash LaRue, American cowboy actor (d. 1996) June 16 Phaedon Gizikis, President of Greece (d. 1999) Katharine Graham, American publisher (d. 2001) Irving Penn, American photographer (d. 2009) June 17 Ben Bubar, American presidential candidate (d. 1995) Huang Feili, Chinese conductor, musical educator (d. 2017) June 18 Richard Boone, American actor (d. 1981) Ross Elliott, American actor (d. 1999) Erik Ortvad, Danish artist (d. 2008) June 19 Robert Baker Aitken, American Zen Buddhist teacher (d. 2010) Robert Karnes, American actor (d. 1979) June 21 – Leslie Shepard, British author, archivist and curator (d. 2004) June 24 Lucy Jarvis, American television producer (d. 2020) Ahmad Sayyed Javadi, Iranian lawyer, political activist and politician (d. 2013) June 25 Nils Karlsson, Swedish Olympic cross-country skier (d. 2012) Claude Seignolle, French author (d. 2018) June 26 – Idriz Ajeti, Albanian albanologist (d. 2019) June 28 – A. Hotchner, American editor, novelist, playwright and biographer June 29 – Ling Yun, Chinese politician (d. 2018) June 30 Susan Hayward, American actress (d. 1975) Lena Horne, American singer, actress (d. 2010) Willa Kim, American costume designer, actress (d. 2016) Shyam Saran Negi, Indian schoolteacher Virginia Dale, American actress, dancer (d. 1994) Álvaro Domecq y Díez, Spanish aristocrat (d. 2005) Humphry Osmond, British psychiatrist (d. 2004) July 2 – André Lafargue, French journalist, resistance fighter (d. 2017) July 3 – Donald Wills Douglas, Jr., American industrialist, sportsman (d. 2004) July 4 – Manolete, Spanish bullfighter (d. 1947) July 5 – Kathleen Gemberling Adkison, American abstract painter (d. 2010) July 6 Arthur Lydiard, New Zealand runner, athletics coach (d. 2004) Heribert Barrera, Spanish chemist, politician (d. 2011) July 7 Larry O'Brien, American politician, former NBA commissioner (d. 1990) Fidel Sánchez Hernández, President of El Salvador (d. 2003) July 8 – Pamela Brown, English actress (d. 1975) July 9 Krystyna Dańko, Polish orphan, survivor of the Holocaust (d. 2019) Peter Moyes, Australian educator (d. 2007) Frank Wayne, American television game show producer (d. 1988) July 10 Şeref Alemdar, Turkish basketball player Don Herbert, American television personality, better known as Mr. Wizard (d. 2007) Dayton S. Mak, U. diplomat (d. 2018) Reg Smythe, English cartoonist (d. 1998) July 11 – Per Carleson, Swedish épée fencer (d. 2004) July 12 Luigi Gorrini, Italian soldier, pilot (d. 2014) Andrew Wyeth, American painter (d. 2009) Satyendra Narayan Sinha, Indian statesman (d. 2006) July 14 – Frank Vigar, English cricketer (d. 2004) July 15 Robert Conquest, British historian (d. 2015) Reidar Liaklev, Norwegian speed skater (d. 2006) Joan Roberts, American actress (d. 2012) July 16 – Alex Urban, American football player (d. 2007) July 17 Gus Arriola, Mexican-American comic strip cartoonist, animator (d. 2008) Lou Boudreau, American professional baseball player, manager (d. 2001) Phyllis Diller, American actress, comedian (d. 2012) Kenan Evren, 7th President of Turkey (d. 2015) Generoso Jiménez, Cuban trombone player (d. 2007) July 18 Henri Salvador, French singer (d. 2008) Paul Streeten, Austrian-born British economics professor (d. 2019) July 19 – William Scranton, American politician (d. 2013) Harold Faragher, English cricketer (d. 2006) Paul Hubschmid, Swiss actor (d. 2001) July 21 Alan B. Gold, Canadian lawyer, jurist (d. 2005) Sidney Leviss, American Democratic politician (d. 2007) July 22 Larry Hooper, American singer, musician (d. 1983) Adam Malik, 3rd Vice President of Indonesia (d. 1984) July 23 – Omar Yoke Lin Ong, Malaysian politician, diplomat and businessman (d. 2010) July 24 Henri Betti, French composer, pianist (d. 2005) Clarence F. Stephens, American mathematician, educator (d. 2018) July 25 – Fritz Honegger, 79th President of Switzerland (d. 1999) July 26 – Lorna Gray, American actress (d. 2017) July 27 – Wu Zhonghua, Chinese physicist, pioneered three-dimensional flow theory (d. 1992) July 29 – Rochus Misch, German bodyguard of Adolf Hitler (d. 2013) July 30 – Keith Rae, Australian rules footballer August 3 Les Elgart, American bandleader (d. 1995) August 6 – Robert Mitchum, American actor (d. 1997) August 7 – Raja Perempuan Zainab, Queen of Malaysia (d. 1993) August 8 – Earl Cameron, Bermudian actor August 9 – Jao Tsung-I, Chinese-born Hong Kong scholar, poet, calligrapher and painter (d. 2018) August 11 Vasiľ Biľak, former Slovak Communist leader (d. 2014) Dik Browne, American cartoonist, creator of Hägar the Horrible (d. 1989) Jack Smith, American football end (d. 2015) August 12 – Marjorie Reynolds, American actress (d. 1997) August 14 – Marty Glickman, American sports announcer (d. 2001) August 15 Jack Lynch, 5th Prime Minister of Ireland (d. 1999) Óscar Romero, Salvadoran Roman Catholic Archbishop (d. 1980) August 17 – Zvi Keren, American-born Israeli pianist, musicologist and composer (d. 2008) August 18 – Caspar Weinberger, United States Secretary of Defense (d. 2006) August 21 – Esther Cooper Jackson, African-American civil rights activist August 22 John Lee Hooker, African-American musician (d. 2001) Raymond G. Perelman, American businessman (d. 2019) August 23 – Hu Chengzhi, Chinese palaeontologist, palaeoanthropologist (d. 2018) August 25 Lou van Burg, Dutch television personality, game show host (d. 1986) Mel Ferrer, Cuban-American actor, film director, producer (d. 2008) Lisbeth Movin, Danish actress (d. 2011) August 28 – Jack Kirby, American comic book artist (d. 1994) August 29 – Isabel Sanford, African-American actress, best known for her role in The Jeffersons (d. 2004) August 30 – Denis Healey, English politician, author (d. 2015) September 5 – Art Rupe, American music industry executive, record producer September 6 – Philipp von Boeselager, German Wehrmacht officer, failed assassin of Adolf Hitler (d. 2008) September 7 Xerardo Fernández Albor, Spanish politician and physician (d. 2018) Leonard Cheshire, British war hero (d. 1992) John Cornforth, Australian chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013) Tetsuo Hamuro, Japanese swimmer (d. 2005) September 10 – Miguel Serrano, Chilean diplomat, explorer and journalist (d. 2009) September 11 Donald Blakeslee, American aviator (d. 2008) Herbert Lom, Czech-born British actor (d. 2012) Ferdinand Marcos, 10th President of the Philippines (d. 1989) Jessica Mitford, Anglo-American writer (d. 1996) Daniel Wildenstein, French art dealer, racehorse owner (d. 2001) September 13 – Robert Ward, American composer (d. 2013) September 15 Carola B. Eisenberg, American psychiatrist, educator Buddy Jeannette, American basketball player, coach (d. 1998) September 17 – Henry Pearce, Australian politician September 18 – June Foray, American voice actress best known for "Rocky and Bullwinkle" (d. 2017) September 20 Red Auerbach, American basketball coach, official (d. 2006) Fernando Rey, Spanish actor (d. 1994) September 22 – Anna Campori, Italian actress (d. 2018) September 23 Asima Chatterjee, Indian chemist (d. 2006) El Santo, Mexican professional wrestler and actor (d. 1984) September 24 – Otto Günsche, German general (d. 2003) September 25 – Johnny Sain, American baseball player (d. 2006) September 26 – Tran Duc Thao, Vietnamese phenomenologist and Marxist philosopher (d. 1993) September 27 – Louis Auchincloss, American novelist (d. 2010) October 2 Christian de Duve, English-born biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2013) Charles Drake, American actor (d. 1994) Francis Jackson, English organist, composer October 3 – Les Schwab, American businessman (d. 2007) October 5 – Allen Ludden, American game show host (d. 1981) October 6 – Fannie Lou Hamer, African-American civil rights activist (d. 1977) October 7 – June Allyson, American actress (d. 2006) October 8 Danny Murtaugh, American baseball player, manager (d. 1976) Rodney Robert Porter, English biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1985) October 9 – Don Marion Davis, American child actor October 10 – Thelonious Monk, African-American jazz pianist (d. 1982) October 11 – J. Edward McKinley, American actor (d. 2004) October 13 – George Virl Osmond, Osmond family patriarch (d. 2007) October 15 Adele Stimmel Chase, American artist (d. 2000) Jan Miner, American actress (d. 2004) Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., American historian, political commentator (d. 2007) October 16 – Alice Pearce, American actress (d. 1966) October 17 Martin Donnelly, New Zealand cricketer (d. 1999) Marsha Hunt, American actress October 19 – Walter Munk, Austrian-born American oceanographer (d. 2019) October 20 Jean-Pierre Melville, French film director, film producer, and screenwriter (d. 1973) X. Sellathambu, Sri Lankan Tamil politician (d. 1984) October 21 Dizzy Gillespie, African-American musician (d. 1993) Geoffrey Langlands, British army officer and educator (d. 2019) October 22 – Joan Fontaine, British-born actress (d. 2013) October 24 – Fang Huai, Chinese military officer and major general of PLA (d. 2019) October 27 – Oliver Tambo, South African activist, revolutionary (d. 1993) October 28 Honor Frost, pioneer in underwater archaeology (d. 2010) Shams Pahlavi, Iranian royal (d. 1996) Jack Soo, Japanese-American actor (d. 1979) October 30 Paul Eberhard, Swiss bobsledder Maurice Trintignant, French race car driver (d. 2005) October 31 – Gordon Steege, Australian military officer (d. 2013) November 1 Erich Rudorffer, German fighter ace (d. 2016) Clarence E. Miller, American politician (d. 2011) November 2 Durward Knowles, Bahamian sailor, Olympic champion (d. 2018) Ann Rutherford, Canadian actress (d. 2012) November 3 – Chung Sze-yuen, Hong Kong politician (d. 2018) November 4 Leonardo Cimino, American actor (d. 2012) Virginia Field, British-born actress (d. 1992) November 5 – Jacqueline Auriol, French aviator (d. 2000) November 6 – Harlan Warde, American actor (d. 1980) November 10 – Koun Wick, Cambodian statesman and diplomat (d. 1999) November 11 Madeleine Damerment, French WWII heroine (d. 1944) Tony F. Schneider, American naval officer (d. 2010) November 12 Hedley Jones, Jamaican musician (d. 2017) Mohamed Suffian Mohamed Hashim, Malaysian judge (d. 2000) Jo Stafford, American traditional pop singer (d. 2008) November 13 Robert Sterling, American actor (d. 2006) Infanta Alicia, Duchess of Calabria, Austrian-born Spanish and Italian princess (d. 2017) November 14 – Park Chung-hee, former president of South Korea (d. 1979) November 18 – Pedro Infante, Mexican actor, singer (d. 1957) November 19 – Indira Gandhi, 3rd Prime Minister of India (d. 1984) November 20 – Robert Byrd, U. senator from West Virginia, President pro tempore of the United States Senate (d. 2010) November 22 – Andrew Huxley, English scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2012) November 24 – Shabtai Rosenne, British-born Israeli diplomat, jurist (d. 2010) November 25 – Stanley Wilson, American musician (d. 1970) November 27 – Buffalo Bob Smith, American children's television host (d. 1998) November 28 Orville Rogers, American pilot, competitive runner (d. 2019) Xiang Shouzhi, Chinese general (d. 2017) November 29 – Pierre Gaspard-Huit, French film director, screenwriter (d. 2017) December 4 – Arthur B. Singer, American wildlife artist (d. 1990) December 5 – Wenche Foss, Norwegian actress (d. 2011) Kamal Jumblatt, leader of the Lebanese Druze (d. 1977) Irv Robbins, Canadian-American entrepreneur (d. 2008) December 7 – Hurd Hatfield, American actor (d. 1998) December 8 – Ian Johnson, Australian cricketer (d. 1998) December 9 – James Rainwater, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1986) December 10 – Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan, King of Malaysia (d. 1979) December 13 – John Hart, American actor (d. 2009) December 15 Shan-ul-Haq Haqqee, Pakistani poet, author and lexicographer (d. 2005) Karl-Günther von Hase, German diplomat Hilde Zadek, German operatic soprano (d. 2019) December 16 Arthur C. Clarke, British/Sri Lankan science-fiction author, best known for co-writing the screenplay of 2001: A Space Odyssey (d. 2008) Beatrice Wright, American psychologist (d. 2018) December 18 – Ossie Davis, African-American actor, film director and activist (d. 2005) December 19 – Paul Brinegar, American actor (d. 1995) December 20 David Bohm, American-born physicist, philosopher and neuropsychologist (d. 1992) Petrus Hugo, South African WWII fighter pilot (d. 1986) Audrey Totter, American actress (d. 2013) December 21 Diana Athill, British literary editor, novelist and memoirist (d. 2019) Heinrich Böll, German writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1985) December 22 Marthe Gosteli, Swiss women's suffrage campaigner (d. 2017) Gene Rayburn, American television personality, best known as the host of Match Game (d. 1999) December 25 Lincoln Verduga Loor, Ecuadorian journalist, politician (d. 2009) Arseny Mironov, Russian scientist, engineer and pilot (d. 2019) December 27 – Onni Palaste, Finnish writer (d. 2009) December 28 – Ellis Clarke, 1st President of Trinidad and Tobago (d. 2010) December 29 – Ramanand Sagar, Indian film director (d. 2005) December 30 – Seymour Melman, American industrial engineer (d. 2004) December 31 – Suzy Delair, French actress, singer Hazza' al-Majali, 22nd & 32nd Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1960) Deaths [ edit] January–March [ edit] January 2 – Sir Edward Tylor, English anthropologist (b. 1832) January 4 – Frederick Selous, British explorer (b. 1851) January 6 Sir Frederick Borden, Canadian politician (b. 1847) Hendrick Peter Godfried Quack, Dutch economist, historian (b. 1834) January 8 Sir George Warrender, 7th Baronet, British admiral (b. 1860) Mary Arthur McElroy, de facto First Lady of the United States (b. 1841) January 10 – William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody, American frontiersman (b. 1846) January 16 – George Dewey, U. admiral (b. 1837) January 18 – Andrew Murray, South African author, educationist and pastor (b. 1828) January 29 – Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer, British diplomat and colonial administrator (b. 1841) February 5 – Jaber II Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (b. 1860) February 8 – Anton Haus, Austro-Hungarian admiral (b. 1851) February 10 – John William Waterhouse, Italian-born artist (b. 1849) February 17 – Carolus-Duran, French painter (b. 1837) February 21 Fred Mace, American actor (b. 1878) Joaquín Dicenta, Spanish writer (b. 1862) March 5 – Manuel de Arriaga, 1st President of Portugal (b. 1840) March 6 – Jules Vandenpeereboom, 17th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1843) March 8 – Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German general, inventor (b. 1838) March 17 – Franz Brentano, German philosopher, psychologist (b. 1838) March 31 – Emil von Behring, German winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1854) April–June [ edit] April 1 – Scott Joplin, African-American composer, pianist (b. 1867) April 3 – Milton Wright, American bishop, father of the Wright brothers (b. 1828) April 6 – Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (b. 1893) April 7 – George Brown, British missionary (b. 1835) April 8 – Richard Olney, American politician (b. 1835) April 13 – Diamond Jim Brady, American businessman and philanthropist (b. 1856) April 14 – L. L. Zamenhof, Polish creator of Esperanto (b. 1859) April 18 – F. C. Burnand, British playwright and comic writer (b. 1836) April 29 – Queen Tehaapapa III, Tahitian queen (b. 1879) May 7 – Albert Ball, British World War I fighter ace, Victoria Cross recipient (b. 1896) May 16 – Robert Sandilands Frowd Walker, British colonial administrator (b. 1850) May 17 Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak (b. 1829) Radomir Putnik, Serbian field marshal (b. 1847) May 18 – John Nevil Maskelyne, English magician and inventor (b. 1839) May 20 – Philipp von Ferrary, Italian stamp collector (b. 1850) May 23 – Queen Ranavalona III of Madagascar (b. 1855) May 24 – Les Darcy, Australian boxer (b. 1895) May 25 Maksim Bahdanovič, Belarusian poet (b. 1891) René Dorme, French World War I fighter ace (b. 1894) May 29 – Kate Harrington, American teacher, writer, and poet (b. 1831) June 3 – Matilda Carse, Irish-born American businesswoman, social reformer (b. 1835) June 5 – Karl Emil Schäfer, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1891) June 14 – Thomas W. Benoist, American aviator, aircraft designer and manufacturer, founder of the world ' s first scheduled airline (b. 1874) June 17 – José Manuel Pando, 25th President of Bolivia (b. 1849) June 18 – Titu Maiorescu, Romanian politician, 23rd Prime Minister of Romania (b. 1840) June 26 – John Dunville, British Army officer (killed in action) (b. 1896) June 27 Karl Allmenröder, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1896) Gustav von Schmoller, German economist (b. 1838) June 29 – Frans Schollaert, 19th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1851) June 30 – Antonio de La Gándara, French painter (b. 1861) July–September [ edit] July 2 – Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, British actor (b. 1852) July 8 – Tom Thomson, Canadian painter (b. 1877) July 12 – Donald Cunnell, British World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1893) July 16 – Philipp Scharwenka, Polish-German composer (b. 1847) July 27 – Emil Kocher, Swiss medical researcher, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1841) July 28 Stephen Luce, American admiral (b. 1827) Ririkumutima, Queen regent of Burundi July 31 Francis Ledwidge, Irish poet (killed in action) (b. 1887) Hedd Wyn, Welsh poet (killed in action) (b. 1887) Stéphane Javelle, French astronomer (b. 1864) Ferdinand Georg Frobenius, German mathematician (b. 1849) August 7 – Edwin Harris Dunning, British aviator (b. 1892) August 13 – Eduard Buchner, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1860) August 17 – John W. Kern, American Democratic politician (b. 1849) August 20 – Adolf von Baeyer, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1835) August 30 – Alan Leo, British astrologer (b. 1860) September 9 Boris Stürmer, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1848) Madge Syers, British figure skater (b. 1881) September 11 – Georges Guynemer, French World War I fighter ace (missing in action) (b. 1894) September 15 – Kurt Wolff, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1895) September 23 – Werner Voss, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1897) September 26 – Edward Miner Gallaudet, American educator of the deaf (b. 1837) September 27 – Edgar Degas, French painter (b. 1834) September 30 – Patricio Montojo y Pasarón, Spanish admiral (b. 1839) October–December [ edit] October 3 – Eduardo di Capua, Neapolitan composer and songwriter (b. 1865) October 4 – Dave Gallaher, New Zealand rugby union football player (killed in action) (b. 1873) October 9 – Sultan Hussein Kamel of Egypt, (b. 1853) October 11 – Duke Philipp of Wurttemberg (b. 1838) October 13 – Florence La Badie, American actress (accident) (b. 1888) October 15 – Mata Hari, Dutch dancer, spy (executed) (b. 1876) October 17 – Bobby Atherton, Welsh footballer (b. 1876) October 22 – Bob Fitzsimmons, British boxer, World Heavyweight Champion (b. 1863) October 23 – Eugène Grasset, Swiss artist (b. 1845) October 27 – Arthur Rhys-Davids, British fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1897) October 28 – Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (b. 1831) October 30 – Heinrich Gontermann, German fighter ace (flying accident) (b. 1896) November 3 – Frederick Rodgers, American admiral (b. 1842) November 8 – Colin Blythe, English cricketer (b. 1879) November 11 – Liliʻuokalani, last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii (b. 1838) November 15 – Émile Durkheim, French sociologist (b. 1858) November 16 – Adolf Reinach, German philosopher (killed in action) (b. 1883) Neil Primrose, British Liberal MP (killed in action) (b. 1882) Auguste Rodin, French sculptor (b. 1840) December 8 – Mendele Mocher Sforim, Russian Yiddish, Hebrew writer (b. 1836) December 10 – Sir Mackenzie Bowell, 5th Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1823) December 12 – Andrew Taylor Still, American father of osteopathy (b. 1828) December 17 – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, English physician and suffragette (b. 1836) December 19 – Richard Maybery, British fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1895) December 20 – Eric Campbell, Scottish actor (accident) (b. 1879) Frances Xavier Cabrini, first American canonized as a saint (b. 1850) Stanisław Tondos, Polish painter (b. 1854) December 24 – Ivan Goremykin, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1839) December 28 – Alfred Edwin McKay, Canadian fighter ace (killed in action) (b. 1892) Nobel Prizes [ edit] Physics – Charles Glover Barkla Chemistry – not awarded Medicine – not awarded Literature – Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Peace – International Committee of the Red Cross References [ edit] ^ MacLeod, Duncan (August 14, 2006). "UK train accidents in which passengers were killed 1825-1924". PureCollector. Retrieved December 6, 2017. ^ SA Legion – Atteridgeville Branch. "The SS Mendi – A Historical Background". Navy News. South African Navy. Retrieved November 20, 2008. ^ Pravda. [ full citation needed] ^ "Germans and their Dead. Revolting Treatment. Science and the Barbarian Spirit". The Times (41454). London. April 17, 1917. p. 5. ^ "Cadavers Not Human. ; Gruesome Tale Believed to be Somebody's Notion of an April Fool Joke" (PDF). The New York Times. April 20, 1917. ^ Badsey, Stephen (2014). The German Corpse Factory: a Study in First World War Propaganda. Solihull: Helion. ISBN   9781909982666. ^ Neander, Joachim (2013). The German Corpse Factory: The Master Hoax of British Propaganda in the First World War. Saarbrücken: Saarland University Press. ISBN   9783862231171. ^ L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English, 12/19 August 1998, p. 9. ^ Seton-Watson, Christopher (1967). Italy from Liberalism to Fascism: 1870 to 1925. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. pp. 468–9. ^ "Greece declares war on Central Powers".. History. Archived from the original on April 1, 2015. ^ "Minorpowers, Greece".. Archived from the original on March 14, 2015. ^ "Suffrage Wins by 100, 000 in State; Kings by 32, 640". Brooklyn Daily Eagle. November 7, 1917. p. 1. ^ Naval History & Heritage Command. "Jacob Jones". DANFS. Retrieved April 24, 2009. ^ "Jimmy Skinner, 90, Coach of Red Wings, Dies". New York Times. July 14, 2007. Retrieved April 24, 2019. Further reading [ edit] Williams, John. The Other Battleground The Home Fronts: Britain, France and Germany 1914-1918 (1972) pp 175–242. Primary sources and year books [ edit] New International Year Book 1917 (1918), Comprehensive coverage of world and national affairs, 904 pp American Year Book: 1917 (1918), large compendium of facts about the U. online complete edition 1917 Coin Pictures.

The director, writer, and cast of 1917 take us behind the scenes to reveal the inspirations for the World War I epic and explain why it was important to film it as one shot. Watch the video Top Rated Movies #49 | Nominated for 10 Oscars. Another 85 wins & 150 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Crime Drama Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8. 6 / 10 X In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society. He then embarks on a downward spiral of revolution and bloody crime. This path brings him face-to-face with his alter-ego: the Joker. Director: Todd Phillips Stars: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz Comedy 8 / 10 A detective investigates the death of a patriarch of an eccentric, combative family. Rian Johnson Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas 7. 7 / 10 A faded television actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame and success in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood's Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles. Quentin Tarantino Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie War A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. Taika Waititi Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson Biography Martin Scorsese Al Pacino, Joe Pesci Action Adventure Fantasy 6. 9 / 10 The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end. J. J. Abrams Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver All unemployed, Ki-taek and his family take peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous Parks, as they ingratiate themselves into their lives and get entangled in an unexpected incident. Bong Joon Ho Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee, Yeo-jeong Jo Romance 8. 1 / 10 Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women each determined to live life on their own terms. Greta Gerwig Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh Noah Baumbach's incisive and compassionate look at a marriage breaking up and a family staying together. Noah Baumbach Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Julia Greer 8. 2 / 10 American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference, the laws of physics and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary race car for Ford and challenge Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966. James Mangold Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Jon Bernthal 6. 8 / 10 A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network. Jay Roach Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, 8. 5 / 10 After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo Edit Storyline April 1917, the Western Front. Two British soldiers are sent to deliver an urgent message to an isolated regiment. If the message is not received in time the regiment will walk into a trap and be massacred. To get to the regiment they will need to cross through enemy territory. Time is of the essence and the journey will be fraught with danger. Written by grantss Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: Time is the enemy. Details Release Date: 10 January 2020 (USA) See more  » Box Office Budget: $100, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $576, 216, 29 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $249, 046, 389 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia The movie was shot from April to June 2019 in Wiltshire, Hankley Common, and Govan, Scotland, as well as Shepperton Studios. Conservationists, concerned that filming on Salisbury Plain could disturb potentially undiscovered remains in the area, requested an archaeological survey be conducted before any set construction began. See more » Goofs In the final battle the Devons attack with absolutely no artillery support. That might have happened early in the war but certainly wouldn't have happened in 1917, when the allied armies were much better at coordinated attacks. See more » Quotes Colonel MacKenzie: I hoped today would be a good day. Hope is a dangerous thing. See more » Crazy Credits The opening logos are shortened and tinted blue. See more » Alternate Versions In India, the film received multiple verbal cuts in order to obtain a U/A classification. Also, two anti-smoking video disclaimers and a smoking kills caption were added. This version also features local partner credits at the beginning and an interval card after Schofield is hit. See more » Soundtracks I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger Arranged by Craig Leon Performed by Jos Slovick See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

This movie was so engaging that it took me shockingly long time to realize that it was a long take. I hadn't even noticed. Movie online 1917 series. Movie Online 1978. Movie online 2018. I know I can't be the only one who thinks Arthur is so hot and so cute I felt like hugging him throughout the whole movie ♥️.

Jacko didnt land because of the spare parachute, he scared gravity into slowing him down

Movie online 1917 download. Movie online 1917 film. 這次的拍攝以及人物描寫真的不錯,讚. Movie online 1917 full. 1917 full movie online. Movie online 1917 games. Watch 1917 movie online free. Movie 1917 online. I saw this movie last night. You will find yourself caring for the two main characters in the beginning. Action suspense and drama all through out this awesome movie. Heck Im not even a war movie fan, I loved this movie. I just got back from 1917 And I am a ww1 history buff This may sound weird but I always wanted to be in it And after this movie i was even more sure This was extremely accurate and one of the best movies ever Hats off to you corporal scoleville Incredible friend and a better man.

1917 movie buy online. Can't for an oscar already 🙌🏆. Movie online 1917 movies.


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Movie Online 1987 relatif. Movies online 1979. Movie online 1917 youtube. Movie Online 1987. Movie online 1917. Let's start with saying i have never been war movie fan. Closest i have come to these was "Saving Private Ryan. I guess the reason is, i hate war, with passion. It's waste of life, waste of time, waste of everything. But that's exactly what this movie shows. How brutal it is. Wonderfully directed, well acted, with amazing original score.

They really wanted to use the Dunkirk soundtrack in this trailer. Movie Online 1917. What accents are these? No one in South Africa sounds like this.

This was REALLY funny. More sketches like this PLEASE

1917 movie online free. Годы 1913 · 1914 · 1915 · 1916 — 1917 — 1918 · 1919 · 1920 · 1921 Десятилетия 1890-е · 1900-е — 1910-е — 1920-е · 1930-е Века XIX век — XX век — XXI век 2-е тысячелетие XVIII век — XIX век — XX век — XXI век — XXII век 1890-е 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900-е 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910-е 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920-е 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930-е 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940-е 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950-е 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960-е 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970-е 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980-е 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990-е 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000-е 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Хронологическая таблица 1917 год  — невисокосный год, начинающийся в понедельник по григорианскому календарю. Это 1917 год нашей эры, 917 год 2 тысячелетия, 17 год XX века, 7 год 2-го десятилетия XX века, 8 год 1910-х годов. События Январь 1 января  — на пост президента Никарагуа вступил генерал Эмилиано Чаморро Варгас [1] [2]. 27 января  — военный переворот в Коста-Рике. Братья Тиноко свергли президента Альфредо Гонсалеса Флореса (Республиканская партия), президентом стал Хосе Фредерико Тиноко [3] [4]. Февраль 5 февраля  — обнародована новая конституция Мексики [5]. 13 февраля  — политическая стачка в Баку [6]. 17 февраля  — премьер-министр Австралии бывший лейборист Уильям Моррис Хьюз сформировал новый кабинет как лидер Национальной лейбористской партии [7]. 26 февраля  — записана первая джазовая грампластинка. 28 февраля  — император Австро-Венгрии Карл I отправил в отставку начальника генерального штаба армии генерал-фельдмаршала графа Франца Конрада фон Гётцендорфа и переместил его на должность командующего Юго-Западным фронтом в Тироле [8]. Март 4 марта  — Вудро Вильсон вступил в должность президента США на второй срок 8 марта  — в Российской империи началась Февральская революция. 10 марта  — Русское бюро ЦК РСДРП(б) призвало рабочих и солдат к активной борьбе с монархией [9]. 15 марта  — император всероссийский Николай II подписал манифест об отречении в пользу брата — великого князя Михаила Александровича. Создание Временного правительства. 16 марта  — отказ Великого князя Михаила Александровича от принятия престола. В своём ответе на манифест отречения Николая II великий князь Михаил Александрович написал, что примет верховную власть только в случае, если народ выразит на то свою волю посредством всенародного голосования на Учредительном собрании. 18 марта  — в Баку создан орган Временного правительства — Исполнительный комитет общественных организаций [6]. 22 марта  — в Тифлисе сформирован Особый Закавказский Комитет  — орган Временного правительства по управлению Закавказьем [6]. Апрель 6 апреля  — президент США Вудро Вильсон объявил войну Германской империи, используя в качестве предлога « телеграмму Циммермана ». 16 апреля  — Владимир Ленин вернулся в Петроград из Цюриха [10]. 24 апреля  — генерал-губернатор Индокитайского союза Альбер Сарро и король Сисаванг Вонг, правитель королевства Луанг Прабанг, подписали Конвенцию о внутреннем административном режиме королевства, регулирующую его подчинённые взаимоотношения с Францией [11]. Май 1 мая  — министр иностранных дел Временного правительства Павел Милюков направил ноту правительствам стран Антанты о продолжении войны. 9 мая  — Никарагуа объявила войну Германии и Австро-Венгрии [12]. 15 мая  — в Барнауле произошёл крупный пожар. Его огнём было уничтожено около 60 кварталов. 18 мая  — между Временным правительством и Исполнительным комитетом Петроградского совета достигнуто соглашение о создании коалиции. 30 мая  — председатель Югославянского клуба Антон Корошец выступил в австрийском рейхсрате с Майской декларацией с требованием объединения хорватских, сербских и словенских земель Австро-Венгрии в единое демократическое государство [13]. Июнь 11 июня  — президентом Китая вновь стал генерал Ли Юаньхун [14]. Июль 1 июля  — смещён со своего поста президент Китая генерал Ли Юаньхун [14]. 16 июля  — в Петрограде началось подавленное через 2 дня восстание солдат 1-го пулемётного полка, рабочих петроградских заводов, кронштадтских матросов, поддержаннных большевиками [15] [16]. 20 июля Премьер-министр Сербии Никола Пашич и председатель Югославянского комитета в Лондоне А. Трумбич подписали на греческом острове Керкира Корфскую декларацию об объединении после войны Сербии и югославянских земель Австро-Венгрии в единую конституционную монархию под эгидой династии Карагеоргиевичей [17]. Временное правительство отдало приказ об аресте В. И. Ленина. Ленин скрылся [10]. 21 июля Рейхсрат законом предоставил правительству Австро-Венгрии чрезвычайные полномочия [18]. Министр-председатель Временного правительства князь Георгий Львов ушёл в отставку со своего поста. Его место занял Александр Керенский. Август 3 августа  — в Оренбурге открылся I Всекиргизский (Всеказахский) съезд, на котором была создана казахская национальная партия Алаш. Съезд закончил работу 8 августа [19]. 10 августа  — в Мешхед ( Иран) прибыла Британская военная миссия в Туркестане генерала Уилфреда Маллесона, призванная влиять на ситуацию в Средней Азии в условиях ослабления России [20]. 11 августа  — Черногорский комитет национального освобождения в Париже присоединился к Корфской декларации об образовании после войны единой югославянской монархии [17]. 21 августа  — разыскиваемый российскими властями В. И. Ленин из своего укрытия на озере Разлив перебрался в Финляндию под видом кочегара на паровозе [10]. 28 августа  — в Лондоне прошла 2-я Конференция социалистов стран Антанты, в которой приняли участие социал-демократы Великобритании, Франции, Бельгии и России (кроме большевиков). Социалисты приняли резолюции в поддержку своих правительств [21]. Сентябрь 3 сентября  — микробиолог Феликс д’Эрелль объявил об открытии бактериофага. 5 сентября  — в Баку прошёл митинг протеста против введения смертной казни на фронте и в тылу [6]. 9 сентября  — началось Корниловское выступление. 13 сентября  — во Франции сформировано правительство во главе с Полем Пенлеве [22]. 14 сентября  — министр-председатель Временного правительства Александр Керенский и министр юстиции Александр Зарудный совершили государственный переворот, подписав Постановление о провозглашении России республикой, узурпировав этим одну из важнейших функций предстоящего Учредительного собрания  — принятие решения об установлении той или иной формы правления в России. До этого поступка Керенского в течение 6 месяцев Россия, согласно подписанному 16 марта Великим князем Михаилом Александровичем акту, оставалась монархией с вакантным троном в ожидании волеизъявления народа через Учредительное собрание [23]. 22 сентября  — на оккупированных германскими войсками литовских землях бывшей Российской империи закончено формирование «Летовус тариба»  — Литовского совета во главе с Антанасом Сметоной [24]. 27 сентября  — В. И. Ленин направил ЦК РСДРП (б), Петроградскому и Московскому комитетам партии письмо «Большевики должны взять власть» [10]. Октябрь 8 октября  — Александр Керенский сформировал третье коалиционное правительство. 9 октября  — султаном Египта стал Ахмед Фуад I, сменивший Хусейна Камиля [25]. 10 октября  — началась всеобщая стачка рабочих Бакинского нефтепромышленного района, продлившаяся до 26 октября [6]. 20 октября  — генералом М. В. Алексеевым положено начало Алексеевской организации. 23 октября  — ЦК РСДРП(б) по докладу В. И. Ленина принял резолюцию о вооружённом восстании [10]. Впервые сформировано Политическое бюро ЦК РСДРП(б) [26]. 24 октября  — 14-я германская и две австро-венгерские армии начали наступление на итальянском фронте и принудили 2-ю и 3-ю итальянские армии к беспорядочному отступлению. Началась битва при Капоретто [27]. 25 октября  — при Петроградском совете создан Военно-революционный комитет [9]. 31 октября  — в битве при Капоретто итальянские армии были отброшены к рубежу реки Тальяменто [27]. Ноябрь 2 ноября Министр иностранных дел Великобритании Артур Бальфур написал письмо лидеру британских сионистов Уолтеру Ротшильду, в котором было сообщено, что британское правительство «с одобрением рассматривает вопрос о создании в Палестине национального очага для еврейского народа» и приложит все усилия для содействия достижению этой цели. Лансинга-Исии соглашение между США и Японией. США признавали «особые интересы» Японии в Китае, Япония признавала доктрину «открытых дверей» [28]. 7 ноября  — произошла Октябрьская революция, открыт II Всероссийский съезд Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов. Ликвидация Временного правительства [10]. 8 ноября II Всероссийский съезд Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов принял Декрет о мире и Декрет о земле. Сформирован Совет Народных Комиссаров во главе с В. И. Лениным [10]. Отстранён от командования итальянской армией генерал Луиджи Кадорна, обвинённый в поражении при Капоретто [29]. 9 ноября  — итальянская армия при поддержке англо-французских дивизий остановила наступление германской и австро-венгерских армий на рубеже реки Пьяве. Завершилась битва при Капоретто [27]. 13 ноября Премьер-министр Франции Поль Пенлеве получил вотум недоверия в палате депутатов Национального собрания Франции. Через два дня президент Раймон Пуанкаре предложил формирование кабинета 76-летнему Жоржу Клемансо [30]. В Баку провозглашена советская власть [6]. 16 ноября  — Жорж Клемансо стал председателем Совета Министров и одновременно военным министром Третьей французской республики. Он заявил о начале «неограниченной войны» как на фронте — с Германией, так и в тылу — с изменой и пацифизмом [22]. 20 ноября  — третий универсал Центральной рады провозгласил о создании Украинской народной республики в составе Российской республики. 22 ноября  — Совет рабочих, солдатских и безземельных депутатов Латвии в Валке провозгласил советскую власть на неоккупированной территории Латвии [31]. 26 ноября  — в Монреале создана Национальная хоккейная лига. 28 ноября  — в Тбилиси образован Закавказский комиссариат [32]. 30 ноября  — в России национализирована фабрика товарищества Ликинской мануфактуры А. В. Смирнова во Владимирской губернии  — первая национализация промышленного предприятия, осуществлённая советской властью [33]. Декабрь 3 декабря Обращение СНК РСФСР «Ко всем трудящимся мусульманам России и Востока» [6]. Принятие «Сухого закона» конгрессом США. [ источник не указан 433 дня] 4 декабря  — в Кишинёве по инициативе Молдавской национальной партии образован Совет края  — Сфатул Цэрий, орган государственной власти в Бессарабии [34]. 6 декабря  — парламент Финляндии одобрил предложенную правительством Декларацию независимости Финляндии. 8 декабря  — декретом СНК ликвидирован Крестьянский поземельный банк. Его земли национализированы и розданы крестьянам, крестьянские долги банку в размере 3 310 000 000 рублей аннулированы [35]. 10 декабря  — французские оккупационные власти провозгласили на территории Албании Корчинскую республику [36]. 15 декабря  — в Кишинёве провозглашена Молдавская демократическая республика [34]. 18 декабря  — открылся II Общекиргизский (Всеказахский) съезд, провозгласивший Алашскую автономию и сформировавший автономное правительство Алаш-Орду во главе с Алиханом Букейхановым. Съезд закончил работу 26 декабря [19]. 21 декабря  — в составе Наркомата по делам национальностей РСФСР образован Комиссариат по литовским делам во главе с Винцасом Мицкявичюсом-Капсукасом [37]. 24 декабря  — Летувос тариба выступил с Декларацией о «вечных союзных связях Литовского государства с Германией» [37]. 27 декабря  — декретом ВЦИК национализированы все коммерческие банки России и установлена государственная монополия на банковское дело. 29 декабря В Валмиере собрался 2-й съезд Советов Латвии, который принял закон о конфискации помещичьих имений и сформировал новый Исполком Совета (правительство) во главе с Ф. Розинем. По просьбе съезда российский СНК передал в состав Латвии латгальские уезды Витебской губернии [31]. СНК РСФСР назначил Степана Шаумяна чрезвычайным комиссаром Кавказа [6]. 31 декабря  — Совет народных комиссаров постановил внести на рассмотрение Всероссийского центрального исполнительного комитета вопрос о признании государственной независимости Финляндской Республики. Родились См. также: Категория:Родившиеся в 1917 году 17 января  — Матео Максимов, цыганский писатель, автор перевода Нового Завета на цыганский язык (ум. в 1999). 25 января  — Илья Пригожин, физик и химик, лауреат Нобелевской премии по химии 1977 года (ум. в 2003). 11 февраля Сидни Шелдон, американский писатель и сценарист (ум. в 2007). Татьяна Ниловна Яблонская, советская художница, народный художник СССР, Герой Украины (ум. в 2005). 14 марта  — Николай Королёв, советский боксёр, заслуженный мастер спорта СССР (ум. в 1974). 18 марта  — Анатолий Ильич Васильев, советский и российский живописец (ум. в 1994). 22 марта  — Ростислав Иванович Вовкушевский, советский и российский живописец (ум. в 2000). 18 апреля  — Георгий Вицин, советский актёр (ум. в 2001). 22 апреля  — Ивет Шовире, французская балерина. 16 мая  — Джордж Гейнз, американский актёр. 17 мая  — Маевский Дмитрий Иванович, советский живописец (ум. в 1992). 29 мая  — Джон Кеннеди, 35-й президент США (ум. в 1963). 5 июня  — Жозе Батишта Пиньейру ди Азеведу, премьер-министр Португалии в 1975 — 1976 годах (ум. в 1983). 19 июня  — Джошуа Нкомо, один из лидеров борьбы за независимость Южной Родезии и основателей Республики Зимбабве (ум. в 1999). 8 июля  — Галина Святославовна Яхонтова, советский живописец и театральный художник (ум. в 1987). 15 июля  — Нур Мухаммед Тараки  — афганский писатель и революционер, лидер Апрельской революции, в результате которой стал председателем Революционного совета (ум. в 1979). 22 июля  — Адам Малик, индонезийский политик и дипломат, пионер индонезийской журналистики. В разные годы занимал посты вице-президента Индонезии, министра иностранных дел Индонезии, спикера Совета народных представителей, председателя Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН (ум. в 1984). 2 августа  — Илья Лавров, русский советский писатель (ум. в 1983). 22 августа  — Джон Ли Хукер, американский блюзовый певец и гитарист (ум. в 2001). 23 августа  — Никита Моисеев, учёный в области общей механики и прикладной математики (ум. в 2000). 28 августа  — Вечеслав Холевац, югославский военный и политик, Народный герой Югославии, 36-й мэр Загреба (ум. 1970). 20 сентября  — Абдель Латиф Махмуд аль-Богдади, египетский политический и военный деятель, один из лидеров революции 1952 года, вице-президент Объединённой Арабской Республики и Египта в 1958 — 1964 годах (ум. 1999). 30 сентября  — Юрий Петрович Любимов, советский и российский режиссёр, актёр и педагог, народный артист России. 7 ноября  — Иосиф Боярский, советский мультипликатор, аниматор, кинематографист (ум. в 2008). 11 ноября  — Мак Рейнольдс, американский писатель- фантаст (ум. в 1983). 19 ноября  — Индира Приядаршини Ганди (इन्दिरा गांधी), индийский политический деятель, премьер-министр Индии в 1966 — 1977 и 1980 — 1984 годах (ум. в 1984). 16 декабря  — сэр Артур Кларк, английский писатель, учёный, футуролог и изобретатель (ум. в 2008). Скончались См. также: Категория:Умершие в 1917 году 29 января  — Ивлин Бэринг, 1-й граф Кромер, английский политический деятель, генеральный консул Великобритании и фактический правитель Египта в 1883 — 1907 годах (род. 1841). 8 марта  — Николай Покровский, российский археолог. 14 апреля  — Людвиг Заменгоф, врач и лингвист, создатель эсперанто. 25 мая  — Максим Богданович, белорусский поэт. 30 мая  — Юлюс Янонис, литовский поэт и революционер. Тяжело заболев туберкулёзом, покончил с собой, бросившись под поезд. 15 октября  — Мата Хари, исполнительница экзотических танцев, куртизанка. Расстреляна в Венсене, пригороде Парижа, за шпионаж в пользу Германской империи. 17 декабря  — Эрнст Леман (р. 1894), российский военный лётчик, ас-истребитель Первой мировой войны. 20 декабря  — Эрик Кэмпбелл, британский актёр-комик, ставший известным благодаря участию в короткометражных фильмах Чарли Чаплина. Погиб в автомобильной катастрофе. Нобелевские премии По физике: Чарлз Гловер Баркла  — «за открытие характеристического рентгеновского излучения элементов». По литературе: Карл Адольф Гьеллеруп  — «за многообразное поэтическое творчество и возвышенные идеалы»; Хенрик Понтоппидан: «за правдивое описание современной жизни Дании». Премия мира: Международный комитет Красного Креста  — «за деятельность по улучшению положения военнопленных». См. также 1917 год в Викитеке? 1917 год на Викискладе? Примечания Календарь на 1917 год Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31.

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Ok, but we need a REAL 1917 story, if you know what I mean. Actually, the Enfield wasn't great - he loads it with a clip of five rounds, never once adds any more rounds, yet fires at least 7 shots. I don't blame them given the difficulties of real time, single take' filming, but it definitely wasn't perfect in this respect. A correction to the comparison of WW1 to the American Civil War: most battles and campaigns from July 1863 to the end of the ACW involved the extensive use of trenches (Vicksburg, the Overland Campaign, Petersburg, etc. the war was fought with the shovel as much as the rifle. In addition, muskets were used in early battles (such as Shiloh) but by mid 1862 onward most soldiers were equipped with Springfield/Enfield minie ball rifles. After Gettysburg, very little massing of troops occurred as a battle tactic. In truth, WW1 was similar to the second half of the ACW, with the terrifying addition of technology such as mass produced long-distance exploding ordinance and armor.

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Im in SO MUCH pain and this song came to my mind. Lord help. Don't stop believing brothers and sisters. May God continue to bless you now and forever. Free movie i still believe trailer. To protect my identity, I can't reveal how I know any of this but for those interested, here's the plot: The film opens with Michael Morbius being awarded a Nobel Prize for his involvement in medical research. During his acceptance speech he faints. The film cuts to black and then cuts to Michael as a young child at school being bullied because he can't walk. This is then broken up by Emil Nikos (Jared Harris) who is a doctor working at the scool. Cut to adult Michael having a discussion with Nikos, explaining that his disease is getting worse and he suspects he doesn't have long to live. He thanks Nikos for sticking with him throughout his life. Cut to young Michael in a hospital ward playing chess against Nikos. Nikos encourages Michael to peruse becoming a doctor and finding a cure for his disease. Nikos is then told he has to see another patient and Michael continues playing chess by himself. Cut to Michael in hospital in New York helping a young girl who has cancer, he then goes to take his medication. He is stopped by Loxias Crown (Matt Smith) who Michael doesn't know. Crown gives him a briefcase and his card. He tells Michael that these may help him find a cure. Cut to Michael being injected his medication by his wife, Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona). During this scene Michael explains once again how he suspects he doesn't have long to live. Michael and Bancroft walk to their lab. Michael says he needs to try more radical ways to cure himself. Michael opens the briefcase. Inside is a dead bat and a giant knife, looks more like a machete. Michael is confused but studies the bat and find out it's a vampire bat but nothing else. Once Bancroft leaves, Michael calls Crown and asks about the artifacts. Crown explains that he once suffered from the same disease and tells him about a cave in Brazil. Michael tells Bancroft that he needs to go to this cave so he can be cured. Bancroft warns against it but Michael doesn't listen. Cut to Michael in a helicopter on the way to the cave. There's voiceover from Crown while this is happening, explaining what Michael has to do. Once he arrives he pays everyone off. Some kind of machine opens up from the ground and and Michael cuts his hand and presses it against these strings within the machine. Bats fly towards his hand and then outside the cave, killing everyone else that was in the helicopter. Michael passes out. Cut to black. Cut back to Michael waking up. He wanders Brazil for a bit then sneaks onto a cargo ship headed to New York. He starts hiding and shivering. He's slowly transforming into a vampire. He also eats a live rat. The ship is attacked by pirates. This is the film's first real action scene. Morbius starts killing off the pirates. Throughout this scene he's obscured by shadow or it's a POV shot. It reminded me of a scene out of the Alien franchise. We only get a good look at him at the end of the scene and it's the shot from the trailers. Morbius then jumps off the ship and starts swimming. Michael wakes up back in New York and not sure what happened. Michael crawls into a bar and tells the bartender to call an ambulance. During this scene Michael watches the TV and it's none other than J Jonah Jameson (J. K Simmons) talking about dead bodies mysteriously found on a cargo ship. Michael then gets flashbacks. The ambulance arrives and he's rushed back to the hospital he works and tells everyone that he was mugged and his crutches were stolen. Once he's in his lab, he tells Bancroft and Nikos what really happened and he locks himself in containment to protect them. Michael's thirst for blood becomes too strong and he breaks out. Bancroft and Nikos escape but he runs after a doctor/nurse working there and is shot by security guards. Bancroft then injects Morbius with something and he's knocked out. Michael wakes up in his lab and finds a tomb there. There's a note on it that says "All the answers you seek lie within - Loxias" Michael opens it to find a skeleton wearing a comic accurate Morbius suit which Michael laughs at. The tomb is also covered in some ancient language and Michael doesn't know how but he's able to read it. Cut to Simon Stroud (Tyrese Gibson) investigating what caused the death of the pirates. Simon believes it was something supernatural that caused it which the others laugh off. Simon also has a mechanical gauntlet on his right arm that gives him super strength in that arm. It's mentioned that the gauntlet is from Oscorp. Meanwhile there's a montage of Michael testing out his new abilities, a lot of this is seen in the trailers. Simon visits Emil Nikos and starts asking him questions about Michael. Meanwhile Loxias Crown is in some kind of lab in the sewers and revealed to be incredibly skinny and has tattoos all over his body. He collapses. Cut to the tomb in Michael's lab opening itself up. The skeleton in it starts fighting Morbius. This is the best scene in the movie just because of how bonkers it is. Morbius defeats it by crushing its skull and then the skeleton's costume attaches itself to Morbius. Loxias wakes up and casts some kind of spell on himself. He then walks onto some train tracks and stops a train with his weird magic spell. He then sucks the life out of everyone onboard until he regains his strength and looks like normal Matt Smith. Loxias senses that Simon Stroud is going to ruin his plan and he possesses Morbius, who flies over to Niko's house to kill Stroud. Stroud is able to put up a fight with Morbius because of his gauntlet and Nikos is killed during the fight, leading Michael to snap out of it. Michael allows Stroud to arrest him. He's sent to San Quentin State Prison and his inmate is Adrien Toomes (Michael Keaton) who makes a joke about how him getting blipped technically meant he got a shorter sentence. During the night Michael sees Loxias Crown in some kind of ghost form and tells Michael to meet him in New York or he'll kill Martine Bancroft. Michael builds up his power and breaks out of the prison while floating and being surrounded by bats. This somehow leads to all electricity being cut off within the prison and everyone is set free. A prison riot ensues. Toomes climbs out of the prison while Michael uses his powers against prison guards and steals a coat from one of them. Toomes thanks Michael for breaking him out and tells him he's putting a team together (Sinister Six) and wants Michael to join. Michael declines and uses his super speed to take him to New York. We also see Mac Gargin (Michael Mando) break out and meet up with Toomes. Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) also runs off. Thankfully his hair no longer resembles Sideshow Bob and looks more like a mop and slightly less red. It still looks like a wig but it's better than what he had in Venom. Morbius finds Loxias Crown in New York, who reveals that the skeleton was once him and he's a reincarnation and he needs Morbius to complete a ritual so he can live forever without reincarnating and become all powerful. Morbius's costume forms around him and he fights Loxias. They're mostly flying the whole time, the fight reminded me a lot of the fight from the end of Chronicle. Morbius is able to defeat Crown by reading one of his tattoos, which allows him to suck the life out of Crown. Morbius grows until he's 9ft tall and starts roaring at everyone around but Bancroft calms him down until he's normal Michael again. Michael escapes before police arrive and takes off his costume. On the way he passes the Spider-Man poster tagged "MURDERER" and unlike in the trailer the picture used resembles the Homecoming suit instead of the Raimi suit. The film ends with Michael and Bancroft at Niko's funeral while Stroud watches in the distance. Cut to Morbius jumping across New York. The final shot is Morbius on a billboard showing a Peter Parker WANTED sign. There are no end credit scenes.

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Free Movie I Still believer. Free movie i still believe 2017. Strong men and women are never desperate. They believe and hope for the best in any situation. In the latest FB movies, the COG, we see a troubled middle-aged Dumbledore use the mirror only to see himself & Grindelwald as teenagers. This is the first time we see what Dumbledore sees, after he dodges this direct question from Harry in the PS book. The mirror reveals to Dumbledore that his heart is still attached to Grindelwald & therefore he knows he still cannot, as of yet, do the right thing & defeat Grindelwald. He is visibly guilty about what he sees. After the death of his sister & the obvious evil of Grindelwald, he still cannot sever his feelings. Dumbledore is a wonderfully complicated character. Throughout the books JK entertains our notion of Dumbledore as this exceedingly brilliant & almost flawless man. We often wonder about what he is up to behind the scenes, how much does he know about Harry's going on's during the school year & what secrets he is withholding from Harry. In the final book the revelation we get is quite a shock. We almost doubt this man's morality. He was arguably as Snape put it 'raising Harry like a pig for the slaughter'. He was indeed quite aware of Harry's dangerous exploits during the school years & was almost counting on Harry to do this in preparation for Harry's ultimate sacrifice, putting his life on the line to defeat Voldemort. We also learn of Dumbledore's turbulent past & affiliations with the Dark Wizard Grindelwald & their shared ambitions & beliefs that were once not too dissimilar to Voldemort's. Dumbledore never told Harry anything about his past, not even for a moral lesson as his mentor. Neither did he tell Harry the truth about his fate against Voldemort. He instead left this all for Harry to discover in his own way. Which for many fans was outrageous of Dumbldore. Why knowingly die before telling Harry everything? Was it that he feared how Harry would view him? That Harry would distrust him or even hate him? Or that he felt Harry deserved to discover this on his own, free from the manipulations & influences he had on Harry that he knew were significant, to allow Harry to ultimately & finally make his own free choice, after so many years of guiding & influencing him from afar. Or perhaps both. In the end Dumbledore knew Harry would make the right choice unlike himself at his age. No doubt he was in awe of Harry & reveals some of this to him in HBP when he tells Harry that he feels safe because he was with him. But it wasn't Harry's magical abilities that impressed Dumbedore, since both he & Voldemort & many others were far more skilled at magic than Harry at his age. But it was Harry's strong character, that unflinching ability to do the right thing. Something Dumbledore never really had. Dumbledore did do the right thing, as far as good is concerned, but it was always measured, calculated & considered, whereas for Harry is was instinctive. It was probably at that moment back in the first book, when they both stood in front of the mirror of Erised. Harry saw his family in the mirror, his loved ones, revealing a good heart, which must have impressed Dumbledore, because that is not what Dumbledore ever saw. When asked by Harry, Dumbledore tells him that all he sees is himself holding a pair of new socks. This is obviously not true, but he was not lying to Harry. Socks I believe are a metaphor in the books for humility & humbleness. A metaphor we see used for Dobby. It is a humble but practical gift (or at least personally form British pov). This image of socks is what Dumbeldore truly desired to see in the mirror. It was an image of a happier, more content, version of himself, relieved from his burden of responsibilities & cleverness that often indirectly cost the lives of those around him, free form the pains of his family's tragedies, guilt of his dead sister, his failure as a brother to her & Aberforth, guilt of having to use Harry as a weapon against Voldemort, his failure to defeat Voldemort himself so long ago & the shame of his past & Grindelwald. This socks image was truly a different version of Dumbledore. He truly meant it when he told Harry not to pity the dead but the living, since he knew a great deal of it himself. @ u/mystireon Perhaps towards the end Dumbledore did see as Harry saw in the mirror of Erised, his family. His parents & his sister alive & well & his brother by his side, all cheerful. At some point the Dumbledores must've been happy before tragedy after tragedy befell them. Maybe this is what made him relate to & admire Harry so much. What took him so many years to finally see, Harry saw immediately.

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We're really introduced to Cristi (Vlad Ivanov) and Gilda (Catrinel Marlon) when Gilda walks up to Cristi and asks to speak with him in his apartment. Cristi whispers into her ear that he apartment is bugged, so she kisses him and tells him she'll play the part of a hooker, and they can whisper her request, which is to help her by getting a criminal, Zsolt, out of prison.
In an early scene, Cristi is on a ferry heading to an island where the ancient people use to communicate by whistling. Cristi is part of a plot working with other criminals to free Zsolt and to do this he has to learn the whistling language.
The language breaks vowels and consonants into seven whistling sounds. This lesson in this language was the most exciting part of the film. I was fascinated with Cristi learning how to whistle and wanted to practice, along with him, right in the theater.
As the film develops, some parts led me to believe that the story in the movie was pre-planned, and I missed something as the film progressed. At other times, I felt as though Cristi and Gilda were planning the ending along the way because they'd fallen for each other.
As an undercover detective, Cristi works for an unnamed woman place by Rodica Lazar, who is trying to play both ends of this story.
The result is a film that has the appearance of a storyline running at two different levels, but in the end, the person sitting next to me asked if he missed something about how the ending worked out, I said "I don't know, and I still don't.
Ivanov was quietly compelling as the detective who was also on the take. Marlon was excellent as the woman who seemed totally in control of story behind the plot. Lazar was strong as the head of the investigation and also susceptible to corruption. Corneliu Porumboiu wrote and directed this quizzical story that left me hanging.
Overall: I either missed a critical section of this Romanian film or the story was attempting to be too elusive.

This was a great watch. You're a good storyteller. La gomera film. La gomera foto. La gomera canarias. La gomera map. Land Produktionsår Längd Genre Åldersgräns Producent Språk Textning Indien, Storbritannien, USA Indien... 🔍 2015 116 min Drama Från 15 år Ajay Devgan Engelska, hindi Engelska “Sex, Violence, and Women’s Lives” - Movie & Conversation Welcome to watch the movie Parched followed by a conversation with Maria Tonini and Sarah Bodelsson. Free admission - but you need a ticket to enter the screening, get your ticket online (click on the link above) or at Kino! Parched  is a story about three women set in the heart of parched rural landscape of Rajasthan, India. The film tells the story of three women who begin to question the oppressive rules in traditional society that favor men, send child brides to abusive husbands, and ostracize women for being opinionated and educated. Together, the women take bold steps to change the trajectory of their lives for the better. The drama film is written and directed by  Leena Yadav, produced by  Ajay Devgan and filmed by Russell Carpenter (known for Titanic  and Ant-Man). Dr. Maria Tonini is a SASNET postdoctoral researcher. She works with issues of gender, sexuality, femininity and masculinity in contemporary India. Sarah Bodelsson is master student at the program Social Studies of Gender at Lund University and a board member of the nongovernmental organisation Swallows India Bangladesh. Land Produktionsår Längd Genre Åldersgräns Producent Språk Textning Indien, Storbritannien, USA Indien... 🔍 2015 116 min Drama Från 15 år Ajay Devgan Engelska, hindi Engelska.

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⚝1280Ꮅ⚝ Goldie Movie Stream

3.9/ 5stars





Audience Score=125 Votes; release date=2019; ; Sam de Jong; A teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. A story about displaced youth, ambition and strength; 88 min.

I came back for yams facing that henny. I loooooooove ice cream so much to. @Thunderdome616... Goldie yes, interviewer no. 50:00 track name. Goldie is so cute she was like RIsE aNd ShINe That was my fav part lol. Tracklist kakgold please :D.

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I love when Goldie talk I liked my own comment. This song is still underrated. Haha she is so cute. Hey titi I love your vids I watch you every day I love Goldie she is soooooo cute. 1:33 The hyphy ones know that one, where the bay at? ☹️🤟🏽. And Goldie do you think Freddy feels bad for you. Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot. Remember this like yesterday 😍😍🥺. Memphis 10. Goldie ist der Künstlername des Briten Clifford Joseph Price MBE (* 19. September 1965 in Wolverhampton). Price ist DJ und Produzent, der bevorzugt elektronische Musik macht, die in die Genres Jungle und Drum and Bass einzuordnen ist. Leben [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Goldie machte sich in den 1980er Jahren als Graffiti -Künstler einen Namen. Seine erste bekannte Platte Terminator erschien 1993. 1994 erschien die Single Inner City Life, für die Diane Charlemagne den Gesang beisteuerte. Im gleichen Jahr gründete er mit Kemistry & Storm das Plattenlabel Metalheadz. Sein kommerziell erfolgreichstes Album war Timeless, das 1995 Platz 7 der britischen Charts erreichte. Er führte bis 1996 mit Björk eine Beziehung und war bis 2005 mit Sonjia Ashby verheiratet. Price hat fünf Kinder. Sein Spitzname geht auf seine goldenen Dreadlocks zurück, die er in den 1980er Jahren trug. [1] [2] [3] Vereinzelt trat Price auch als Schauspieler in Erscheinung, z. B. 1999 in einer Nebenrolle als Bull im James Bond -Film James Bond 007 – Die Welt ist nicht genug oder als Lincoln in Snatch – Schweine und Diamanten von Guy Ritchie. Diskografie [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Studioalben [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Jahr Titel Höchstplatzierung, Gesamtwochen, Auszeichnung Chartplatzierungen Chartplatzierungen [4] [5] (Jahr, Titel, Plat­zie­rungen, Wo­chen, Aus­zeich­nungen, Anmer­kungen) Anmerkungen DE AT CH UK US 1995 Timeless — UK 7 Gold (17 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: August 1995 1998 Saturnz Return DE 43 (2 Wo. ) DE AT 35 (3 Wo. ) AT CH 38 (3 Wo. ) CH UK 15 (4 Wo. ) UK US 178 (1 Wo. ) US Erstveröffentlichung: Januar 1998 2017 The Journey Man UK 43 (1 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: 16. Juni 2017 Weitere Alben 1998: Ring of Saturn 2007: Malice in Wonderland 2008: Sine Tempus: The Soundtrack 2009: Memoirs of an Afterlife Mixtapes [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] 1999 INCredible Sound of Drum’n’Bass Erstveröffentlichung: 3. Mai 1999 2001 Erstveröffentlichung: 23. Oktober 2001 2004 MDZ. 04 Erstveröffentlichung: 7. Juni 2004 2006 Drum & Bass Arena: The Classics Erstveröffentlichung: 17. Januar 2006 2008 Watch the Ride Erstveröffentlichung: 2. Juni 2008 2011 FabricLive. 58 Erstveröffentlichung: 18. Juli 2011 Singles [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Titel Album Höchstplatzierung, Gesamtwochen, Auszeichnung Charts Chartplatzierungen [4] (Jahr, Titel, Album, Plat­zie­rungen, Wo­chen, Aus­zeich­nungen, Anmer­kungen) 1994 Inner City Life Timeless UK 39 (4 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: November 1994 feat. Metalheadz Angel Timeless UK 41 (3 Wo. ) UK 1997 The Shadow UK 82 (1 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: Mai 1997 feat. Dom & Rob Digital Saturnz Return UK 13 (5 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: Oktober 1997 feat. KRS-One Temper Temper Saturnz Return UK 13 (4 Wo. ) UK Believe Saturnz Return UK 36 (2 Wo. ) UK Erstveröffentlichung: April 1998 Angel III / Sinister Erstveröffentlichung: März 2004 Weblinks [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Goldie in der Internet Movie Database (englisch) Goldie bei Discogs (englisch) metalheadz Quellen [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] ↑ Biografie bei ( Memento des Originals vom 18. November 2007 im Internet Archive)   Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis. ↑ Biografie bei IMDB ↑ Biografie bei ↑ a b Chartquellen: DE AT CH UK1 UK2 US ↑ Auszeichnungen für Musikverkäufe: UK Personendaten NAME Goldie ALTERNATIVNAMEN Price, Clifford Joseph (wirklicher Name) KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Künstler und Musiker GEBURTSDATUM 19. September 1965 GEBURTSORT Wolverhampton, Vereinigtes Königreich.

Hey Titi I love you so much even my sister sees you and she is 12 years old and me and her love you so much. The first superstar produced by the breakbeat jungle movement, Goldie popularized drum'n'bass as a form of musical expression just as relevant for living-room contemplation as techno had become by the early '90s. Though he hardly developed the style, and his later reliance on engineers like Rob Playford and Optical to capture his sound puts into question his true musical importance, Goldie became one of the first personalities in British dance music, his gold teeth and b-boy attitude placing him leagues away from the faceless bedroom boffins who had become the norm in intelligent dance music. For the first time, England had a beat maestro and tough-guy head who could match the scores of larger-than-life hip-hop stars America had produced, and the high profile of drum'n'bass as the first indigenously British dance music made Goldie a figure of prime importance. After spending several years working on his production skills at Reinforced Records (the home of 4hero), he founded Metalheadz Records, which released seminal dark yet intelligent singles by Source Direct, Photek, J. Majik, Optical, Lemon D, Wax Doctor, and Peshay, among others. In 1995, Goldie released Timeless, one of jungle's first and best full-length works of art. The album put him squarely at the top of the drum'n'bass heap -- at least in the minds of critics and mainstream listeners -- though his follow-up, SaturnzReturn, displayed an ambitious, personal side of Goldie hardly in keeping with jungle's producer mentality. A native of Walsall, England, Goldie was born to a Scottish-Jamaican couple and put up for adoption. He bounced around child-care homes and several sets of foster parents during his childhood years, and became fascinated with the rise of hip-hop, breakdancing, and graffiti art. By 1986, he was involved with breakdancing crews around his home of Wolverhampton; after making several trips to London for all-day breakdancing events (and to see hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa), Goldie appeared in the English documentary on graffiti art called Bombing. He also spent time in New York and Miami (working in a market stall selling customized gold teeth), but returned to England by 1988. For a time, Goldie worked at the Try 1 shop in Walsall (also selling gold teeth), then moved to London. He began hanging out with two fellow heads from the British hip-hop scene, Nellee Hooper and 3-D (later of Massive Attack), and by 1991 he'd been introduced to the breakbeat culture that birthed jungle; at the seminal club night Rage, DJs Grooverider and Fabio pitched ancient breakbeats up to 45 rpm, blending their creations with the popular rave music of the time. Goldie was hooked on the sound of raw breakbeat techno, and he gradually switched his allegiance to jungle from the British hip-hop scene that later generated trip-hop. Through his girlfriend DJ Kemistry (later to make her name with the mixing duo Kemistry & Storm), Goldie hooked up with Dego and Mark Mac, two of the most influential figures in the emerging drum'n'bass scene. The duo's Reinforced Records and recordings as 4hero were fostering an increasingly artistic attitude to the music, and Goldie learned much about breakbeat production and engineering at their studios. He recorded his first single as Ajax Project, then debuted on Reinforced as Metalheadz with two 1992 singles, "Killermuffin" and "Menace. " The 1993 single "Terminator" broke him into the jungle scene -- besides pioneering the crucial jungle concept of time-stretching (basically extending a sample without altering its pitch) the single evinced the growing separation between the uplifting rave scene and its emerging dark side, reliant on breakbeats and restless vibes. The name was later taken for his influential Metalheadz Records, which released material from a legion of crucial jungle artists: Photek, Doc Scott, Dillinja, Source Direct, Peshay, J Majik, Alex Reece, Lemon D, and Optical, among others. Later singles such as "Angel" and remixes for 4hero's Reinforced label spread Goldie's fame, and in 1995 he signed a contract with London Records. His first major-label single was "Timeless, " and his debut album of the same name followed in August 1995. He gained additional fame in early 1996, when an American tour supporting Björk sparked a relationship between the two and led to a brief engagement period before they called off a wedding. Goldie resurfaced in 1998 with a high-profile follow-up, SaturnzReturn, an epic two-disc set including one track, "Mother, " that in itself broke the 70-minute barrier. The album tanked with critics and fans, leading to a return to the underground later that year with the Ring of Saturn EP. Save for a handful of mix albums (most notably 2011's Fabriclive 58), two studio efforts credited to Rufige Kru (2007's Malice in Wonderland and 2009's Memoirs of an Afterlife), and Sine Tempus, the 2008 soundtrack to an unreleased film directed by the man himself, Goldie's career over the next two decades became less and less music-focused. He turned his hand to acting, appearing in Guy Ritchie's Snatch, the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough, and the perennial BBC soap opera Eastenders. He also appeared on a number of reality TV shows, including Maestro, where he learned how to conduct a symphony orchestra, and Goldie's Band: By Royal Appointment, where he put together a band of unknowns to perform at Buckingham Palace. He was awarded an MBE on the Queen's 2016 Honours list for services to music and young people. A career-spanning compilation, The Alchemist, was released by Rhino in 2013. Goldie's third solo studio album and first in nearly two decades, entitled The Journey Man, came out in 2017 through Cooking Vinyl. Guest vocalists on the album included Terri Walker, Naomi Pryor, José James, and Natalie Duncan, whom he had discovered while making Goldie's Band TV show.,, Facebook, SoundCloud, Twitter, Bookogs, YouTube,,, Wikipedia, Posterogs, Filmogs.

If you're listening to this NOW, you have some great music taste 👏. Goldie snapped 💯💯💯. I couldn't remember the lyrics, the artist, title, or anything other than the general tone of this song and that it played on AMP back in the 90s when I was 5 or 6 years old. Randomly remembered that there was a shopping cart in the video and based off just that I CAN'T BELIEVE I SOMEHOW FOUND THIS SONG AGAIN! This is such quality music omg, I'm so stoked.

@DavidoffNeumann High five. Reviews are in for Goldie's 'The Journey Man' tour with The Heritage Orchestra MORE > Music Goldie 'The Journey Man' is Out Now GOLDIE ANNOUNCES THE JOURNEY MAN TOUR Goldie has announced The Journey Man Tour: a nationwide live tour, taking place this November. The tour will see Goldie bring together members of the Heritage Orchestra as well as special guests, to perform tracks live from his iconic repertoire as well as material from his highly-anticipated, forthcoming album ‘The Journey Man’, out June 16th. 'I Adore You' - Full Length Video Released Goldie has unveiled the full-length version of the video for his latest single ‘I Adore You’, taken from his forthcoming double LP ‘The Journey Man’. The extended cut of the video, which clocks in at just over 9 minutes in length, was directed by Lyle Lindgren and stars acclaimed British TV and film actor Stephen Graham, and follows a complex, dark, and heartfelt narrative. Prism - Latest Track From 'The Journey Man' Goldie has released a brand new track, ‘Prism’, taken from his forthcoming double LP ‘The Journey Man’. The track showcases the darker and more underground sounds of Goldie’s repertoire, is available to stream and download now on all digital platforms upon purchase of the album. More > Art All Things Remembered Goldie will be launching his forthcoming memoir All Things Remembered with a rare on stage conversation, as part of London Literature Festival at Southbank Centre on Sunday 22nd October. Tickets are on sale now All Things Remembered, described as an explosive story of abuse, revenge, graffiti, gold teeth, shotguns, car crashes, hot yoga and redemption through reality TV, is published by Faber on November 2nd. Timeless live at Wilderness Festival with Heritage Orchestra Another triumphant Timeless Show show completed with Heritage Orchestra at Wilderness Festival, thanks to all those who came out! Goldie collects MBE! Goldie collected his MBE from Buckingham Palace in the company of his family Goldie Awarded An MBE Awarded an MBE in New Years Honours 2015 More >

30:26 itu judulnya apa ya,work rihana versi siapa. 137, 153 people follow this Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - August 3, 2010 It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. Close OUT NOW 👇 🔥 It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. Close 25 Years of Goldie (Album Stream) Goldie - Drum & Bass Life 25 Years of Goldie.

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High resolutions require the good Internet connection. The player of this online streaming movies website allows you to share the direct link to the movie with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Official Website The Internet Archive The world of the Internet would be very different without this beautiful website. This is the website which powers the Way Back Machine through which you can see how Yahoo, Google and Facebook in their embryonic stages. With their new objective to archive movies and TV Shows as well. They have launched a new section of “Movies “where you can search and download movies for free. Their archive included six thousand plus titles. All of these movies readily available to download are organized as per their genre. To help you download movies free, the website also provides a link to the torrent file. So don’t have to worry to download large files of movies as well. Along with English, movies are available in French, German, Portuguese and many other languages. Movies dating back to 1936 when Charlie Chaplin Launched  Modern Things.  Some of the featured titles include  Sex Madness, Night of the Living Dead, The Fast and The Furious, Charlie Chaplin Festival, Return of the Kanfu Dragon, House on Haunted Hill, Sita Sings of the blue  and many others. You should immediately go to this website to download movies free. This website also provides the feature to add movies in their archive. So if you have one available, please upload it. They also have a dedicated forum for this where you can discuss things only after registering as a user of their website. Official Website YesMovies This is like the Google of the latest Movies and TV Shows. The homepage of this website beautifully presents you with a search bar where you are asked to search for your favourite movie to TV series you want to watch. The results page returns with the query you searched for and some other recommendations as well. This website allows you to search for movies in three different ways. You can select as per country or region. You can also search by genres just like others. Most amazing, unlike others, is that you can also search movies by top IMDB rating as well. This website also allows you to request for the movies that aren’t available in their repository. Official Website IOMovies As per users’ rating, IOMovies is best top ranked website to download movies for free. This website features all the latest movies available.  Along with the movies, you can also watch the famous TV Series on this website as well. This includes some famous titles like Suits, Trust, Forgotten and many others. This website doesn’t store any data on their own website and this third-party servers and video hosting services to do that. Some of them may not work sometimes due to DMCA notices but they fix it as soon as it gets reported. Movies here are very well organized in different genres. This includes Action, Adventure, War, Documentaries, Comedy and others. This website also allows registering on it. After registering on this website, you can make your own watchlist and many others feature as well. IOMovies is a wonderful movie downloader website. Official Website Roku Channel Roku was previously available for TV only but now you can stream both and paid movies on their website as well. The Roku channel features many movies and TV shows as well. This is a nice addition to your list of websites for online movies. Their content is completely legal and frequently updated as well. Roku Channel works without the hardware. You can simply sign up on their website and start watching the movies online without worrying about the illegality of the content. Latest August 2018 Movies and TV shows include  The Matrix  (1999),  The Matrix Reloaded  (2003),  The Matrix Revolutions  (2003),  50 First Dates  (2004),  A Nightmare On Elm Street  (2010),  Bewitched  (TV Series, 1964),  Freedom Writers  (2007),  Hell’s Kitchen  (TV Series, 2005),  The Legend Of Bagger Vance  (2000) and others. You will find hundreds of other movies and TV Series’ on this website. The services of this website for online movies download is limited to a few regions only. But you can always use VPN to access this website and watch free online movies. Overall Roku Channel is one of the best free movie sites. Official Website Yahoo View Never knew you can watch movies on  Yahoo?  Well, you are not alone. But Yahoo has a wonderful service named Yahoo View which allows you to watch free online movies. Movies are organised in their genre including  Animated, Horror, Science Fiction, Romance, War, Documentaries and others. You can also watch trailers of movies and TV Shows on this website. Before I tell you further about this movies website. You must know that most of the content on this website is only accessible in the United States of America territory so keep your Virtual Private Network (VPN) software ready. Yahoo View hosts these movies from other third-party services including Hulu, Fox and ABC. Movies on this website are only for few time, sometimes. Under the movie player, you can see how many days are remaining until this movie is available for you. This website runs ads to generate their review. Some of the featured TV Series titles include Gotham, Shark Tank, Modern Family and Designated Survivor.  Featured movies titles include  Opposite Sex, Monkey King, Stray Bullets, Arthur Newman, Evil Bong 777, As Evil as Dead  and many others that you can watch for free. Official Website Retrovision Classic Movies This is a wonderful website to watch and download free movies. This website archives the Classic movies available in the Public domain. If you are in love with classic movies. This is the right website for you to watch them. The user interface of this website is quite simple and easy to use. When you open this website, you will see the recently added movies as the news feed or latest posts. This website has organized their movies in the form of their respective Genre which includes Romance, Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction, War, Documentaries and others. This is on the right sidebar of the website. If you want to see all the movies, you can just simply click on all movies. Retrovision also have a dedicated Android application for your smartphones known as Classic UHF App. You can download this free app from the Google Play App store and enjoy movies on your smartphone also. You can also use the search feature of this website to download movies by searching the favourite titles. They have a newsletter also where you can subscribe. After that, you will be notified about the movies to watch and download directly by the email. This will help you schedule the movies you want to watch on the weekend. Official Website MovieNight The best about this website is its feature-rich user interface. All of the functionalities you need to directly move to your favourite movie are stacked in the sidebars and navigation bar. The homepage shows you the recommended and the latest movies which can be helpful if you are not sure what to watch. Left sidebar of the website features all the top genres which you can use to search for the movie. Right bar shows the years where you can select a particular year in which movie is released to watch from. Movies are hosted on third-party servers and website is ad-supported. Official Website Classic Cinema Online This is one of the best free online websites to watch classic movies of the golden age. This website features thousands of movies that you can watch or download. Classic Cinema Online has a variety of movie genres including Comedy, Documentary, Music, Sci-Fi, Western, Family, and Holiday. This website also has silent movies in your archive, if you wish to go back to history. The silent film genre at Classic Cinema Online is similar, with Mystery, Thriller, Drama, Westerns, Horror/Sci-Fi, Action/Adventure, and Romance movies. The interface of this website is very user-friendly which makes finding the right movie very easy for you. New movies are added on the monthly basis to provide the users with fresh content to watch from. Watching the movie doesn’t require any registration. Even they don’t have one. Some of the movies are hosted on third-party servers including Youtube. Due to these third-party servers, few of the links sometimes don’t work. Featured movies download on this website include  Love Story, Charade, Stagecoach, Holiday Inn, Change of Habit, Penny Serenade,  and many others. Official Website Open Culture Open Culture is the home of movies, audiobooks and courses. You can Watch 1, 150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. This website has 6 main sections: Movies, Online courses, Language lessons, e-Books, Textbooks, Audiobooks. Movies section consists of an excellent collection. You can watch most of your favourite Oscar-winning movies on this website for free. This movies website doesn’t host the content by themselves. They usually provide the third-party links to movies such as YouTube and others. There is no need to register on this website to watch and download movies for free. Open Culture on ads thus requires to close your ads blocker to access the website. But you can always skip that option and move to watch the movie. The user-interface of this website is quite easy and everything is stacked the navigation bar and sidebars of the website. Open culture also accepts donations to sustain their website and provides you with the movies and a lot of other stuff. Official Website Movies Found Online Movies Found Online curates movies, independent films, TV shows, and stand-up comedy video. You can short films, documentaries and viral videos on this website. Popular genres include Action, Drama, Adventure, Horror and Science Fiction. This website also uses third-party video hosting services primarily the YouTube. Navigating this website is quite easy. You can search for the movie you want to watch using the search box. You can also use the navigation bar and movie through the different genre. This website also shows the popular genres which can help you to explore the latest likings of the people. Newest content is always displayed on the homepage. Featured TV Series include the Derren Brown, The Nerd Writer, Automata and SlutEver.  This website sustains their business using the ads which aren’t always good. You will be also displayed with the pop-up ads which are usually annoying. You might want to use the ad-blocker extension on your browser before going to this website. This will not block the access to this website. Official Website Public Domain Torrents This might be the only safe to use torrent website that I might know. This website hosts thousands of Public domain and movies on their website with the company’s permission. You can download movies using BitTorrent software. Their genre includes Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction, Comedy, B-Movies, Mystery, War, Documentary, Romance, Drama and others. They also rank the top twenty seeded websites which provide the quick way to download the most loved movies. You can either click on show all movies where they will be shown alphabetically and browse through the genres as well. This website has a public forum as well where you can discuss all your favourite movies and interact with the administrator of the website as well to report any issues and problems with the torrent of any movie that you want to download. This website allows you to download the movie in any format you wish to. You can do this with any torrent client you want including the BitTorrent or Free Download Manager. To sustain their business, this website allows you to purchase the DVD of the website if you wish to. But now as no one uses the DVD these days, they also accept the donations. Please consider donating this amazing torrent movies website of you are generous enough. These are the only legal movies website online, as per my knowledge. Official Website YouTube YouTube is the biggest video sharing community hosts millions of complete movies as well. You don’t just find food and cat videos on YouTube, it can be your next stop to download the movie. Finding the right full movie on YouTube is a bit difficult. A lot of channels has uploaded trailers or scenes with clickbait titles. So, it’s better to subscribe to a few verified channels of Movie Production companies where you can find full movies. There is a lot of Entertainment content that is YouTube original and you can watch it for free without paying a penny. YouTube doesn’t allow you to download the videos directly. Wondering how to download movies from YouTube? There are several hundred software available online that allows you to download movies from YouTube. You can even use Internet Download Manager or Free Download Manager to download movies for you or simply try online YouTube downloaders. Official Website Vimeo Just like YouTube, You might be also unaware of the fact that Vimeo also allows you to download and stream movies. They have the collection of tonnes of free to watch movies. Their top genres include the action, Animation, Comedy and Wars. You can also watch amazing documentaries on this website for free. You can also movies and short films on this website in amazing 360 technology with 40K Ultra HD. They also have movies On-Demand section where you can buy your latest movies for the watch. THeir Stock videos section features the videos that you can use both free and paid for your personal and commercial projects. Some of the movies available on Vimeo includes  Indie Game, The Jungle Book, The Journey of Free Spirit, Res9ident Evil: The last Chapter, Blue Balls  and many other great movies. All of these movies you can watch for free without paying anything to them. You also don’t have to register on this website. But registering will allow you some of the great features their users enjoy. You can like and comment on videos. Users can also make playlists. Most noteworthy is, you can upload videos on it for free. You can use download managers or online Vimeo downloaders. Official Website Netflix Who doesn’t know Netflix? Service started as DVD rental but then ended up as the best Online movie streaming service around the globe. Now it competitors like Blockbuster are licking the dust. Netflix does allow you to watch movie and TV Shows for a whole month without paying anything. For this, you just have to sign up for a plan. You won’t be charged for your first trial month period. You can enjoy a whole range of movies from all genres including Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction and others. Because Netflix produces its original series as well, you can also enjoy that one on your free one month trial period as well. This includes famous series like Narcos, House of Cards, Lucifer and others. The content offered to the trial users is the same as the paid subscribers so you can at least enjoy movies for a whole month. Some of the content might not be available for you in High Definition or Ultra High Definition. The User Interface of this website is quite easy. You can enjoy Netflix on your browsers or smartphones as well. This includes Adnoid and iOS apps as well. Netflix is also available on the Smart TVs as well. The premium packages offered by the Netflix are also very reasonable. You can always choose what suits best for you. The premium packages start from the 9 dollars and go up to 14 dollars. Official Website Amazon Prime Video Amazon Prime Video is the largest competitor of Netflix and it also produces its own original series just like the other one. You can enjoy movies online on Amazon Prime Video also. Just like Netflix, it gives you the free access to all the video content for a free trial period time of one month. There are tonnes of movies to watch from on Amazon. Amazon Prime Video allows you to watch videos on 3 devices at a time. Applications of this service are available for all platforms including Android, iOS, Smart TVs and others. Good news for students is that, they can enjoy the trial period of six months instead of 1 month. Yes, you can enjoy movies and TV Series on Amazon Prime Video for a half year. You don’t have to pay anything for this whole time. User can also watch free offline movies on this service. You just have to download the title with in-built movie download feature in the app for iPad, iPhone or other supported smartphones. This website features tonnes of genres including Action, Adventure, Comedy and Amazon Original to choose from. All of it for free. All the applications are very user-friendly and provide you with the best experience to watch movies. Official Website Hulu Hulu is another bigwig of Online Movie Streaming niche. Most of its services are restricted to certain regions primarily the United States of America. But you can always enjoy using Virtual Private Networks software. Hulu provides you first one month free trial period in which you can enjoy unlimited movies online. Almost all your favorite shows and movies are available online to watch. You can either choose from the genres and use their search movie feature. Hulu is available for smartphones including Android, iOS and smart TVs as well. Official Website Our Recommendation For Downloading Free Movies Online There are hundreds of movie download sites available on the Internet. Visiting each site to search movies is very much time taking. When authorities took down  The Pirate Bay  and  KickAss torrents, a new termed evolved in the torrent industry as the torrent search engines. It works simply as Google does ( theoretically). It doesn’t host any data but crawls and searches the movie torrents on other websites hosting these torrents as per your query. This shrinks the list of your favorite movie torrent website to few torrent search sites. Search Engine Best Known For P2PGuru Movies, TV Series, Games, eBooks Torrentz2 Incredibly capable search engine; Currently Indexes more than 60 million torrents. Parallel Search in 600+ Torrent Websites XTORX Very simple UI; Fast and accurate; No advertisements. Toorgle Torrent Search in over 450+ torrents websites at the same time. The Pirate Bay Big Boss of Torrents RARBG Most Diverse Torrent Repository 1337x One of the largest engine for movies, games, TV series and more ExtraTorrent Largest Torrent Community Movies Exclusive AIO Search Google of Torrent Stuff BTDB Simple and effective; Clean design; Fast search. TorrentHounds Most resilient Torrent Community Lime Torrents Redesigned and Improved Features Clone of Original KAT Torrents ISO Hunt New team comes with Advanced Features Zooqle Movies Search only Snowfl Very fast; Easy to use; Custom filtering included. TorrentSeeker Minimal UI, Customized search results; Wide range. Veoble Powered by Google custom search; Tons of filtering options; All popular sources covered. Academic Researchers Only for Researchers Security and Privacy Concerns To watch movies online, most of the people search for the name of the movie on Google. The list presented to you Google contains 90% spam and illegal websites. Problem with such websites is not only that you are watching the pirated version of the movie but few others also. Because of such websites are hosting illegal and pirated movies, they can’t opt for reputed advertisement networks. To sustain the website and earn the profit from websites. These websites use Pop-up annoying ads. Along with that, they sometimes also hosts malware in the form crypto malware and even ransomware. You don’t only risk the safety and security of your computer but can also be stepping stone in some bigger crimes. If not that, these websites ask you to register to download movies free. This can be in the form of surveys as well. This can leads you to the identity theft. Owners of such websites sell your credentials to the black market which are later used by cyber criminals for all ill means. Signing up for such websites also makes your email to third-class email marketing campaigns. Even spammers as well. Soon you will be receiving emails from fake dating websites and giveaways. All that happened for what? You just tried to watch your favourite movie on movie download website. Final Words On Free Movie Sites Above, we have listed the best and safe best free movie websites that allow to watch and download the movie. On the Internet, nothing comes for free. Some services use legal ways to offer free services and earn a reasonable income. Others don’t. The movie download sites list we have provided allows you to watch and download movie without any piracy and unsafe practices.

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Such a beauty. She is such a happy smart loving girl. She has the perfect Mom God Bless you both. First: About the project Legoland parks around the world all have a "Miniland" section where famous buildings and locations are recreated with Lego at a scale of roughly 1:20. My favourite part are the people, which are made of so few bricks yet can portray just about anybody, doing just about anything (eg. 1 2 3). With my models, I tried to put as much detail as possible into the figures, while using as simple bricks as possible and keeping them to scale, like these Team Fortress 2 figures. Also, I decided to try and replicate the posses of the figures made by McFarlane Toys as a closely as possible (which was a struggle because I don't own any). Lastly, all the models were made in Lego Digital Designer (which is exactly what it sounds like) because I don't have a big enough collection of bricks. Second: Here's what I made! Each model is made of ~100-180 bricks and went through ~15 versions. Ruby Rose: This was my favourite model, by far. I'm very pleased with how her combat skirt turned out, though it was a challenge to make it look natural. Crescent Rose's shaft was the lot's of fun because it's only one brick wide, making it difficult to capture detail. The blade was based heavily on a design by Mike Dung, whose chibi models you can see here. With my limited reference pictures (see third part), attempting to recreate her cape now would be 95% guessing, and there's no point in doing the hair if the cape's not there (because they'll have to be built around each other). Weiss Schnee: Her torso was a pain. For a long time she was flat chested because I couldn't have both the plate on her front and the "snow flake" on her back. I made the skirt by making a solid block of small 1x1 plates and then deleting anything that was unnecessary. It worked so well that I actually went back to Ruby and redid her skirt this way. Unfortunately, there was no way to fit in the ribbons on the front of her skirt without them being way too big or sticking out at 90°. Myrtenaster turned out quite will, I think. Blake Belladonna: I made this one first because the pose was very straight forward. I don't like her right arm but it was the best I could manage given the angle of her arm. There are rope-like pieces in Lego but the program doesn't have them so I could't do her ribbons; use your imagination. Yang Xiao-Long: This one was the hardest. Yang's half skirt-thingy was a nightmare to connect to her body and it was impossible to her angle her legs apart without making the skirt super bulky. So I settled for straighter legs and a straight skirt. I'm happy with Ember Celica, though they limited my part and colour choices in her upper arms. Third: I NEED MOAR PICTURES! The backs and hair of the models were really a shot in the dark. If you've got any of the McFarlane figures, I could really use shots from different angles (sides, back, top down), especially of hair and capes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here're all the photos I currently have. Fourth: Downloads Here's the program I used and here's a download link to all the models. Once I (hopefully) get some more pictures to work with, I intend to come back and revise these, after which I'll post full parts lists for those who really want them. Fifth: Thoughts? What parts do you like? Which do you think are inaccurate? Is the thoroughness of this post excessive? Let me know!

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Torrents Free A Hidden Life







runtime 2 hour, 54 min country USA 8,3 of 10 star Maria Simon 2875 vote Director Terrence Malick. Oh and if you want to see fan service done well, the start of the last episode of the Mandalorian is how to do it properly. Sometimes my favorite filmmakers can make me fight sleep too. I saw the movie today and was totally blown away. I already gave it an in depth review on IMDB, I wont get into it now. Please watch this film, preferably in the big screen. The wide open mountain shots are pure beauty. Valerie is my newest #1 actress, I want to watch all of her movies now. Would've loved to see JEREMY CAMP play himself. 😞 but I'm still going to see it 😊. A hidden life (2019) trailer.

August is a dead ringer for a young Rutger Hauer.

@perfectcrime He's so cute as Wolf. I loved that movie (still do

A Hidden life rocks. User Score Play Trailer Overview The story of an unsung hero, Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Based on real events. Featured Crew Terrence Malick Director, Writer Top Billed Cast August Diehl Franz Jägerstätter Valerie Pachner Franziska Jägerstätter Michael Nyqvist Bishop Joseph Fliessen Matthias Schoenaerts Herder Jürgen Prochnow Major Schlegel Full Cast & Crew An audiovisual beauty like all Malick's films although this is definitely the first one that has a more interesting story to tell since Tree of Life but unfortunately in my opinion its own ambition and pretense of doing something more epic plays against it because A Hidden Life it's a film that greatly extends its stay. Although Malick doesn't change the formula he has been using both narrative and visually, this story manages to feel different perhaps because unlike films like To The Wonder, Knight of Cups and Song to Song, Malick goes back in time and the visual aura of the film has a more... read the rest. Read All Reviews Facts Status Released Release Information December 13, 2019 Meaning Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Films given this rating may contain sexual content, brief or partial nudity, some strong language and innuendo, humor, mature themes, political themes, terror and/or intense action violence. However, bloodshed is rarely present. This is the minimum rating at which drug content is present. Original Language English Runtime 2h 54m Budget $9, 000, 000. 00 Revenue $3, 033, 700. 00 Genres Drama War History Keywords world war ii biography nazi germany Content Score Yes! Looking good! Top Contributors Popularity Trend.

A hidden life showtimes. Whoever decided to put Timothée chalamet, Emma Watson and Meryl Streep in a film together is a genuis. A hidden life terrence malick. A hidden life movie times. A Hidden life 2. A hidden life movie wiki. Why isnt she talk like she had three sentences all the movie. A hidden life trailer movie. A hidden life (2019. A hidden life openload. A Hidden Life The Austrian Franz Jägerstätter, a conscientious objector, refuses to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Duration: 173 min Quality: HD 720 Release: 2020 IMDb: 7. 7. After seeing the previews, I expected more of this movie. First of all, it's too long and some of shot linger landscapes yes, but what did it contribute to the story? My biggest complaint is: It should have been done in German with English subtitles. Most of the actors were either German or Austrian so it begs the question, why wasn't the script written in German. It's a story of an Austrian. Everyone in Austria speaks German. It took away from the story, and as one other review stated, one could not truly connect to the actors. As authentically the story may have been told, I just could not find any great merit in the film.

A hidden life bande annonce vf. A hidden life movie reviews. So just wanted to get an idea on what this movie was about and the trailer practically told me. I won't be watching this on netflix. Plus what the hell! Are we romanticizing affairs now. A hidden life film. A hidden life movie. A hidden life score. Finally a new movie I will go and see. A hidden life santa barbara. I am in. I am so in. Bwahahahaha. A hidden life trailer.

A hidden life trailer 2019. A hidden life nyc showtimes. A Hidden life music. Kermode's attempted kindness towards the film, is somehow more damning. May 19, 2019 10:00AM PT Back in Cannes with his best film since 'The Tree of Life, ' Terrence Malick poses tough questions about personal faith in a world gone astray in this epic return to form. There are no battlefields in Terrence Malick ’s “ A Hidden Life ” — only fields of wheat — no concentration-camp horrors, no dramatic midnight raids. But make no mistake: This is a war movie; it’s just that the fight that’s raging here is an internal one, between a Christian and his conscience. A refulgent return to form from one of cinema’s vital auteurs, “ A Hidden Life ” pits the righteous against the Reich, and puts personal integrity over National Socialism, focusing on the true story of Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter’s rejection of Adolf Hitler and his refusal to serve in what he sees as an unjust war. And lest that sound like more flower-power finger-painting from a director whose oeuvre can sometimes feel like a parody of itself, consider this: Without diminishing the millions of lives lost during World War II, Malick makes a case for rethinking the stakes of that conflict — echoes of which can hardly be ignored in contemporary politics — in more personal terms. Here, it is the fate of one man’s soul that’s at play, and nearly three hours of screen time doesn’t seem the slightest bit excessive when it comes to capturing the sacrifice of Franz (German actor August Diehl), who was ostracized, imprisoned, and ultimately executed for his convictions. Over the past decade — during which Malick made his Palme d’Or-winning magnum opus, “The Tree of Life”; whispery self-doubt drama “To the Wonder”; and cost-of-celebrity critique “Knight of Cups” and its music-world equivalent, “Song to Song” — has any filmmaker delved deeper in exploring, and ultimately exorcizing, his own demons? With the benefit of hindsight, those four features represent a cycle of increasingly avant-garde, if ebbingly effective semi-autibiographical projects. By contrast, “A Hidden Life” brings Malick back to the realm of more traditional, linear narrative, while extending his impulse to give as much weight to wildlife and the weather as he does to human concerns. Better suited to the director’s adherents than the uninitiated, “A Hidden Life” could be seen as a continuation of themes raised in 1998’s “The Thin Red Line, ” which also took place during WWII, albeit halfway around the world. In that then-radical tone poem, Malick focused on how ill-suited a group of American infantrymen were to the role of combat, melding their interior monologues and interchangeable faces in tragic tribute to the waste of innocence that is war. By contrast, “A Hidden Life” depicts the proactive decision a single would-be soldier makes not to yield to the boiling bloodlust, but instead to follow what the director has previously dubbed “the way of grace. ” Though it privileges the voices of multiple characters — by now, a Malick signature — there can be no question that Franz represents the film’s hero. Delivering his lines in mostly unaccented English rather than his native German, Diehl carries the film despite being largely unknown to American audiences (he played a smug SS officer in “Inglourious Basterds, ” and here represents the opposite), relying more on body language and what goes unspoken behind his eyes than on the film’s typically sparse dialogue. Still, Franz is not a conventional Western protagonist in the sense that his story is defined not by his actions but by choices — and specifically, the things he doesn’t do. “A Hidden Life” introduces this salt-of-the-earth Aryan tending the land with his wife, Fani (Valerie Pachner), high on the slopes of St. Radegund, a bucolic West Austrian town. To the extent that all of Malick’s films represent the notion of Eden interrupted, this setting feels particularly primeval. “How simple life was then, ” the couple recall — though the sentiment hardly bears articulating when they are shown picking wildflowers and playing games with their three daughters. Then, in 1940, Franz is called to the nearby Ennis Military Base, where he and a fellow trainee (Franz Rogowski) find amusement among the military drills. The point of these exercises is to prepare the young men for combat, although Franz refuses to swear his allegiance to Hitler, or to support the war effort in any way. When he is called to serve, Franz instead goes to the town priest (Tobias Moretti) seeking help, only to discover that the church he respected has become complicit in the crime of “killing innocent people. ” In truth, Father Fürthauer had been appointed to his post after an earlier priest was ousted after giving an anti-Nazi sermon, and could hardly be relied upon to oppose the new regime. Appealing to the bishop (Michael Nyqvist, the first of several major Euro stars glimpsed only for a couple minutes), Franz argues, “If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do” — and just as importantly, “what we don’t do. ” Despite its epic running time, the movie doesn’t bog down in the details, or else we’d learn that Franz was the only person in St. Radegund to oppose the Anschluss — or peaceful annexation of Austria by the Fatherland — a vote of daring personal opposition that was never reported. It’s worth mentioning here because that early stand already revealed the extent to which his community was allowing fear to poison its judgment, driving the groupthink that made Franz feel like an outcast among his own people. Once Franz makes his oppositional position known, those who might have once been his friends turn on his family. In one scene, a pack of local kids throw mud at his daughters, and later, after Franz is sent away to Berlin’s Tegel prison, neighbors spit at Fani in the road. Where other storytellers might exaggerate such cruelty, Malick doesn’t overplay such slights — and even contrasts them at times, as when an elderly woman stops to help Fani collect what’s spilled from her broken wagon, a gesture of kindness that outweighs even the sadistic behavior shown by Franz’s Nazi guards elsewhere in the film. Till the end, and at great personal cost, Fani supports her husband, while nearly everyone (including Matthias Schoenaerts and Bruno Ganz in brief appearances) seeks to spare his life at the expense of his soul. Working with a mostly new team of artisans, Malick leans on DP Jörg Widmer (who worked alongside Emmanuel Lubezki on “The Tree of Life”) for the film’s intense short-lens anamorphic widescreen look, which distorts whatever appears anywhere other than dead center in frame. Since the director likes to place his characters off-axis, expecting audiences to reorient themselves with every jump cut, this creates — and sustains — a surreal, dreamlike feel for his longest film yet (not counting director’s cuts). This heightened visual style contrasts the rigorously authentic costumes (by Lisy Christl) and sets (from Sebastian T. Krawinkel, rather than career-long collaborator Jack Fisk), while composer James Newton Howard lends ambience and depth between a mix of heavenly choirs and meditative classical pieces. Don’t let the period setting fool you. While “The Tree of Life” may have felt more grand — and how could it not, with that cosmic 16-minute creation sequence parked in the middle of the film — “A Hidden Life” actually grapples with bigger, more pressing universal issues. Between “Days of Heaven” (Malick’s first masterpiece) and “The Thin Red Line, ” the director disappeared from cinema for 20 years. Since his return, his work has been infused with questions of faith, putting him up there with Carl Theodor Dreyer as one of the few film artists to engage seriously with religion, which so often is ignored or dismissed by others despite its prominence in society. In this film, Malick draws a critical distinction between faith and religion, calling out the failing of the latter — a human institution that’s as fallible and corruptible as any individual. At one point, Franz goes to a local chapel and speaks to the cynical old artisan (Johan Leysen) restoring the damaged paintings on its walls. “A darker time is coming, and men will be more clever, ” the man tells him. “They don’t confront the truth. They just ignore it. ” In recent years, Malick may have seemed out of touch, responding to issues that interest him more than the public at large. But whether or not he is specifically referring to the present day, its demagogues, and the way certain evangelicals have once again sold out their core values for political advantage, “A Hidden Life” feels stunningly relevant as it thrusts this problem into the light.

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