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; Writed by: Ales Adamovich; audience score: 47571 vote; abstract: During WWII, a Belarusian boy is thrust into the atrocities of war, fighting with a hopelessly unequipped Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces. Witnessing scenes of abject terror and surviving horrifying situations, he loses his innocence and then his mind; 8,4 of 10 Stars; cast: Olga Mironova.

Idi i smotri film. An incredible film. Indeed, a masterpiece! This movie will haunt you after watching it. Filmmaking at it's finest. Putlocker FOUND ON PAGE Idi i Watch movie beta download 5Shared. Garbage version. Watch the real thing. Idi i smotri torrent. Olga Mironova. damn she didn't appeared in some other movies? She was beautiful and gorgeous. Idi i smotri filmi. Big fan of this film awesome to see this version out.

Idi i smotri ruski film sa prevodom na srpski. Idi i smotri. Jesus I wanna give her a hug. Poor girl. If your ever in Vietnam go see the war museum in HMC (Saigon) it's an eye opener i'll tell you that much, See it from the Vietnamese peoples point of view. Sounds like you've been the one drinking, what are you babbling on about? And who cares if millions of Russians think that Stalin was good and great, Germany thought the same about their Red Fueher. since when does a concensus equate to fact and truth? YOU sound like an American. Now suck a Red cumrade.

Come and see.
Вниманию зрителя представляется сериал Иди и смотри — военная драматическая история 1985 года от режиссера Элема Климова. Картина снята по нескольким произведениям советского писателя Алеся Адамовича. Действия разворачиваются в небольшой белорусской деревушке под названием Хатынь. Идёт Вторая мировая война. Шестнадцатилетний паренек Флориан Гайшун решает стать разведчиком и направляется в партизанский отряд. Но из-за того, что он еще слишком юн, Флёру в армию не берут. Мальчик, обидевшись на военных, собирается вернуться домой, в родное село. Перед этим он знакомится с Глафирой, своей ровесницей. Когда Флёра прощается с девочкой, они видят, как воздушный немецкий десант высаживается на территорию их шпионского лагеря, что располагается в глухой лесной чаще. Немецкие солдаты убивают всех. И лишь Флориан с Глашей успели спрятаться. Дети решают поскорее бежать из оккупированной территории. Флёра предлагает идти к его дому. Но, добравшись до деревни, ребята не отыскивают там ни одной живой души. Мальчик думает, что сельчане спрятались, услышав звуки бомбёжки, но Глаша видит за одним из домов несколько расстрелянных жителей деревни. Не зная, куда двигаться дальше, дети решают прятаться на острове, что находится неподалеку села. Там они встречают небольшую группу чудом уцелевших обитателей Хатыни. Люди рассказывают о том, что все, кто не успел бежать, были расстреляны фашистами, в том числе мать Флориана и две его младших сестры. Вне себя от горя, Флёра решается на страшный поступок... Смотреть сериал Иди и смотри нужно обязательно. Ведь эта картина является истинным отражением тех ужасающих и леденящих сердце кровопролитных дней Второй мировой войны. Двухсерийный драматический фильм Элема Климова, без всякого сомнения, достоин высших наград и похвал. Кинолента поведает одну из многочисленных историй судьбы человека, молодость которого, в силу обстоятельств, продлилась совсем недолго. Флориан не успел побыть ребёнком, не успел он и почувствовать любовь и насладиться годами беззаботной юности. Её у него отобрали. Отняли, не спросив. И за несколько дней из юного мальчишки он превратился в седого и морщинистого старика, на себе испытавшего и лично перенесшего всю ту боль, горести и страдания, которые принесла с собой война... Напомним, что на нашем кинопортале у вас есть возможность Иди и смотри хорошего качества смотреть онлайн без надоедливой и отвлекающей рекламы. Длительность фильма составляет более двух часов и содержит в себе сцены насилия, поэтому детям, которым ещё не исполнилось шестнадцать, просмотр ленты без разрешения взрослых не рекомендован. Шестнадцатилетний паренек Флориан Гайшун решает стать разведчиком и направляется в партизан.
Idi i smotri sport.


This is a classic.


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Thank you for posting such a great review of a truly disturbing movie. I just finished it. I can't say I enjoyed it but I certainly appreciated it. Idi i smotri trailer. Idi i smotri (1985) online. Idi i smotri online. Действия исторической драмы «Иди и смотри», снятой по мотивам повести Алеся Адамовича “Хатынская повесть”, происходят в 1943 году на территории Белоруссии. Сюжет фильма показывает жуткую атмосферу, царящую в небольшом селении Хатынь, в котором немецкие фашисты массово уничтожали жителей деревни. Жестокость обезумевших от крови и безнаказанных убийств немецких солдат вызвала бурную ответную реакцию со стороны населения. Был создан подпольный отряд партизан, которые вели такую же жестокую войну с немцами и расправлялись с ними такими же садистскими методами. Молодой парнишка Флёра и его друг решили присоединиться к партизанам, но для этого необходимо иметь оружие. На месте прошлых боевых действий Флёра находит винтовку — пропуск в отряд партизан. Мальчик еще не знает, какие ужасы ему предстоит пережить, сколько горя и мук вынести, чтобы выжить в этом безумном мире, где кажется, все сошли с ума. © ГидОнлайн.

Restrepo has an amazing sequel. Both are very well made docs.

Idi i smotri (come and see) 1985

The passion and understanding you have towards cinema and art can indeed be felt in every frame and every word. Thank you so much! Your videos on Color, Storytelling, Editing is nothing short of a film school education. Can you please do a video essay on Ingmar Bergman? Eagerly waiting. Lots of love from India. Hope more people reach you. “The Pacific”. So lächerlich. Idi i smotri (1985. 7:30 looks so cool. Kilmov's 1985 film ' Idi i smotri' or the American title ' Come and See' does a extraordinary job of not only inviting the audience to witness the time of war in Soviet Russia but to understand and feel how it affected one through the eyes of a young boy named Florya(Sonny in English subtitles.
The film opens with a scene where a Partisan is yelling followed by Florya digging painstakingly on the ground for weapons with another boy. The day after, Partisans come to Florya's home and take him with them to start organizing for the Nazi confrontation, while the Florya's mother is left in tears. Soon after joining the Partisans to face the Nazi's, Florya is left behind, as well as a girl named Glasha.
Through the film, the audience is able to experience the brutality of human beings towards one another. At times it is hard to understand what is happening precisely, perhaps one of the reason is because there is not a lot of straight forward dialogue. For instance, I feel the movie instead reaches out to the audience through the use of graphic demonstrations of the plot rather than explanations from the characters.
One of the most crucial moments is when the Nazis moved forced villagers into a wooden church only to demolish it. Florya was one of many that were mixed into the crowds and fatefully fled when the Nazis gave mercy for those who did not have children. There is a scene where a woman was able to leave the wooden church but her baby was thrown carelessly back into the church.
Although towards the end of the film Florya barely speaks, one can define his emotions by his facial expressions. As his experience during the Soviet War progresses, so does his age. At the beginning of the film he looks healthy and around thirteen years old. By the end of the film, he looks as if he has aged twice his own age, but still had some sanity with the exception of his condition. When Florya meets Glasha again, they both look almost as if under psychological trauma and there is a sense of understanding through their silence.
In the scene where Florya's mother pleads the Partisans to not take her son to go fight and says that he is a good polite boy and would never hurt anybody. Florya took his revenge through art. In his revenge scene, which is considered to be the most memorable and powerful scene in the film, shows Florya shooting at a Adolf Hitler painting, which was carried earlier in the film by someone. Within every few seconds of him destroying the painting, there are flashback clips of dead bodies at the concentration camp, Hitler giving regards to a German boy, the Nazi party, and many other Hitler moments. As each of these images unwind, Florya viciously shoots the painting. He does not shoot when the image of Hitler as a baby in his mother's lap appears, which shows a kind of purity and innocence for which he protects. His little sisters and mother may be one of many personal reasons he wanted to join the Partisans. I feel he wanted to protect his family and he wanted to make sure his siblings were going to be able to have a future.
Come and See definitely sets the bar at being one of the most crucial, disturbing, and unforgettable films. Klimov allowed many of the rifle shots heard throughout the film to be real. Apparently, one of the bullets was only seven inches away from the head of the boy who played the character Florya. Klimov did this to give the film a more authentic feel within the set. With this extremely risky technique and the works of a brilliant director, the final product and outcome were all done precisely, leaving a long lasting impression on the audience as if they were there.

Idi i smotri review. Idi i smotri ruski film. Idi i smotri youtube. No one does a war film like the Russians and this Russian in particular. “Come and See”. Pelicula en español. Holy hell was that scene chilling. Idi i smotri movies rej elem klimov. I remember watching the mini series first. My father had given me the book to read as well. When the movie came out I was excited because it was just as great as the series. Buchheim didn't think that some of the anti war/Hitler regime attitude was as prevalent as in his book but I think it still was present enough. One of the best submarine movies ever and it keeps you in it's grip the entire time. It also shows the how these guys lived in those swimming coffins, the cruel reality of this insane war, and how Hitler had begun to abandon not only the U-boats but eventually his Kriegsmarine.

Idi i smotri english subtitles. Idi i smotri imdb. No thanks, two times has been enough. No one mentioned of course that the actual burning of the villagers was performed by Ukrainian 118 police battalion, German collaborators. SS was their mainly to command and control. Same Ukrainian characters that are in full swing in today's Ukraine. Remember that. Idi i smotri - 1985 rus drama war masterpiece. Idi i smotri izle. Świetna muza. So im confused do you agree with me or not. What even is Hiptang. Idi i smotri partisan attack.

Whats a name of film. Idi i smotri english. And then in contrast we have this other young kid who kind of mirrors Florya as he was in the beginning of the film as that young and unaware kid, totally unprepared of the horrors of what's to come. Idi i smotri. Imagine how americans invaded foreign countries and did something like this. Idi i smotri csfd.

Idi i smotri (come and see.

  1. Published by - paprika pony
  2. Bio: pensamientos de un cara pálida




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